Overall, it was like yeah we don't care about the case THAT much, we don't care about this new character (though she seems quite cool actually), and ugh I hate it when Goren goes all rogue because it just makes him seem so STUPID.
But the ending. There was so much emotion and more than I'd hoped for (it IS a Law and Order show after all), and the way Eames just broke was just so NECESSARY. & amazing. & just wow. So much conflict in there.
That cheek-kiss of awesome and mega hug, just omg. Just AMAZING.
& of course, she can't do this job without him. Perfect.
Last line of the ep goes to Eames. Ellen approves of this. :)
So i"m happy. I'm so happy. Absolutely torn up over what happened, but happy that we were given this.
source My CI beloveds, I'm going to miss you.
(and in memory of the years we've had, NEW DP.)