So. I just watched Double Trouble in the Panhandle, Fire in the Ice and The Hero in the Hold.
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Seriously. Wow. Just what I needed after exhausting uni weeks... (now must catch up on sleep to complete the recovery process)
I know that there's a heap of Bones fans who are all 'not liking where the show is going' or whatever. I'm not going to have a go at that opinion (I promise this isn't an attack on anyone), because each to their own.
But here is my opinion on it all... which turned out longer than I expected and contains spoilers for 3.14 and 3.15 and general non-spoilery discussion of season 4 (I'm up to 4.14) ... but have a read?
My Show.
I know that there's a heap of Bones fans who are all 'not liking where the show is going' or whatever. I'm not going to have a go at that opinion (I promise this isn't an attack on anyone), because each to their own.
But personally... Bones is my show. I've only ever had one other tv show that was my show, and that ended a while back and now Bones is my show. I have other things I watch, other things I like and love, but my show is special, and plays an important role in my life. Life can be crappy or overwhelming or blah at times, and my show is there for me when people aren't. It's always there. There are these characters I can invest myself in and follow, and these fictitious people always cheer me up, calm me down and get me away from reality when I need it.
I guess it's sort of like a long-term relationship or something. My show is good to me, and I am good to it. I accept it the way it is, and the love is close to unconditional (the only deal-breaker I could imagine is if Booth or Brennan were to leave/die/disappear), because when it comes to my show, I'm forgiving like that. The way I see it, Booth and Brennan have many different kinds of adventures; if I want to watch one of the "good old eps" I'll go bring out something from season 1 or 2... but if I want to watch a fun adventure that I can giggle and squeal at, then bring out one of these season 4 episodes that has many a fan rolling their eyes.
I look for the good in my show, I don't try to pick it apart. For example, The Pain in the Heart. I understand that the conclusion of the Gormogon arc could have been handled "better" but I loved the episode, there was drama and there were emotional characters, and I loved the Brennan/Zack 'head touch' moment... which led to a sequence which I thought was perfect (Booth finds/kills Gormogon, with Zack narrating and Aerial Boundaries). The end scene was also lovely and made me smile.
I know that Sweets at times has no purpose in the show.. especially as a regular (instead of a semi-regular or something), but I love him all the same.
I understand that Booth's death at the end of The Wannabee in the Weeds could have been better dealt with.
I sometimes cringe when Brennan comes across in later episodes as stupid instead of socially inept.
But I am committed to my show and look for the good points, not the flaws, because at the end of the day, no human is perfect, and television is made by people, and thus contains human errors at times. Plus, "better" is subjective, and what makes one fan happy, can disappoint another fan. If a show doesn't ever change it will be criticized for not evolving, or for covering the same things over and over, so in some ways, as a show continues on for many years, there will always be fans who drop off for one reason or another, or stay, while wishing for the old days to come back.
For me, my show is still my show, and it makes me smile. It hasn't failed me yet, and I don't plan to abandon it, or lose faith in it. I don't expect it to "return" to the way it was, I expect it to move forward, in a new and exciting direction that I will follow.