Title: Prelude
Pairing/Characters: Booth/Brennan
Rating: K
Words: 157. Wow this is tiny.
Spoilers: slight late s4 and finale references
Notes: Thank you to the lovely
kinseyjo who kindly gave this a read-over.
& "prelude" dictionary definition from Answers.comSummary: Everything is at stake. The prelude continues.
Prelude. noun. An introductory performance, event, or action preceding a more important one; a preliminary or preface.
In your dreams and in the words I write, we are in love. We lead a single life shared. There is no fear, no doubt, no hesitation between us.
This is our shared wish, our deepest desire, our greatest need.
In our waking hours. We stumble.
You talk about "someday" and emotions and "there's someone out there".
I talk about jealousy and maybe, someday, wanting to care.
We're doing this all wrong. The prelude shouldn't last forever. It's but an introduction, leading on to more.
We play different notes, create a harmony. The pitch rises and falls but we shy away from changing the key.
The melody stays the same.
We're fueled by fear, by doubt. We hesitate.
We're scared of hitting a wrong note.
Everything is on the line: our shared wish; our deepest desire; our greatest need. What if one wrong note were to take that away?
The prelude continues.
Hope you liked, please drop a line and say hi, and tell me your thoughts or whatever you wish to say. ♥