Just give me a second while I rant.

May 12, 2009 10:52

People. Have. To. Stop. Spoiling. People. With. Spoilers.

and it's probably my fault for even trying to be on LJ without accidentally coming across spoilers.

& the specific I'm referring to was a comm post and by nobody on my flist anyway, but I just want to have a bit of rant.

Saying that you've found something and then making a judgement... IS SPOILING, because we can infer things from your opinion of the spoiler, and even if we don't know what the particular spoiler is, it just gets us all confused!!!!

Tomorrow I will be heading into a pre-finale lockdown, meaning no looking at flist at all until after I've watched the finale... wow it's almost here.

spoilery, rant, bones

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