
Apr 16, 2007 18:48

Well here in the great state of NJ its been two days from hell for some poeple. I the storm that come through was serious and so many people lost so much. There is so much wide spread flooding that they declared a stae of emergency state wide as well as individualy counties declaring, If they declare in addition to the state declaration they get more aid Im told!

We were very lucky there was lots of street flooding and heavy winds but where I live no one had any real damage. There is serious damage in close surrounding area's though. There are still many places where roads are blocked off. And even still there are places where the streams and rivers have yet to crest...they are expecting rising flood waters in some area's until tomorrow mid morning or so....although in lots of places it has already befun to reced! So yes thats the local update, lol.

Personally I am sort of in a weird place, Im okay Im not really...Im just in a comtemplative head space right now. Things have been really good with Apes and that annoying because I know she isnt leaving although it feels we are back to place we have already been, and although I love being in that place its never going to get me what I want. So I wonder what do about it, i know I should end it an walk away but the truth is I dont want to. So I stay and its good for now, and later I will prob regret it later. But I am a big girl and I will deal with it when it comes. I feel like I should be trying to figure out how to go back to school and the thing is I cant get financial aid because Im still in default with the last loanI have. I want to start to change some things but I dont know where to start.....I need something new, something to change. Im not particualarly unhappy but I am seriously bored I contimplated cutting my hair. And well I like my hair long, and I like it this color because its what my natural color is its just darker. I thought about lightening it for summer but im torn...jesus is this really what my life has resorted to, lol!

I just think maybe I need a vacation...any one wanna put me up for free somewhere beside water logged NJ?
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