Jun 12, 2006 17:56
I know you're thinking, "Wait! It's not Friday!" Oh, my friend, but it is MY Friday. My weekend begins now! Yay! I'm in desperate need of having a couple of days off. I had an emotional break down last night. It was a deeply needed emotional outburst of anger and sadness and frustration.... Weird how sobbing uncontrollably for an hour can be so freeing... Yeah, boys, don't ask.
And now I'm ready to (hopefully) engage with God on a few things:
2) My whole Dad's death and all that crap (which I really don't want to deal with, but it seems like it might be time...)
3) Why, when there's so much missionary work to be done, am I still here in Fort Collins? (And this is a rhetorical question, I'm not looking for your answers. Not to sound like a know-it-all, but I've heard them all before, and will take such postings to this as you trying to convince yourself that Fort Collins needs another nameless faceless Christian... Plus, I'll engage with God on this, I promise.)
5) My serious jealousy of people who make lots of money AND get to go to church... grr.
I don't know how to engage on so much at the same time. Yet, without spiritually processing these things and more, it all compounds, which is what I think happened to make the list so long and complicated to begin with. Please pray that God unravels my knots... Thanks.