Round 45: Inspirations

Apr 01, 2015 00:37











image Click to view

Failure by Design (lyrics) by Brand New

image Click to view

The Sound of Failure (lyrics) by The Flaming Lips

image Click to view

The Sound of Settling (lyrics) by Death Cab for Cutie




raiindust ( comment & download)・slytheringurrl ( comment & download)

captainoswin (like & download)・resourcescollection (like & download)


Dieter Steffmann (download)・Galdino Otten (download)


Pressed Flower by simultaneouscontrast ・Trinket Box by mavey

#AloneInTheDesert by mary88・Summer Pastel by stepheni

Sweet Inspiration by Duklida・On the road by unespiritdamour


Round 45: Icon Technique Ladder
Have any of you seen those word games where you're supposed to start with one word and change it, one letter at a time, until it's morphed into a different word entirely?  If not, well, here are a few to waste your time.  And how do these play into icons?  It's the basic strategy this round is asking you to use.  The first icon you make should be inspired solely by this post, but each following icon should also take a technique from its predecessor and use it in a new and different way.  If you're not sure what I mean, try hovering over each icon/texture/song/etc. in this post to see how I connected it to the previous one.  By the end of the round, you should have a chain of twenty lovely icons and a demonstration the scope of styles and techniques you can work with. A few additional rules to make sure this doesn't get out of hand--

- post your chain of inspirations along with your icons.  You can put it in the title, as I did throughout this post, or type it up below the icons, just so long as it's there
- still use the inspirations in this post - there are a lot of techniques here to help you along
- plan your icons in advance if it will help you make a coherent set
- ask me questions if you don't understand what I typed; it's late, y'all.

- use a technique more than three times in your chain (if it's just incidentally in the icon, that's fine)
- mistake interpretive themes for techniques.  "Calm" is a good descriptor, but not a style.  Perhaps you're going for "minimalism," "pastel," or "negative space."
- make 20 icons and then try to figure out how you can finagle them into fitting this round. This is, after all, a challenge comm.

・All icons must be made specifically for this challenge, and by you.
・Icons must be inspired by this post and its contents, and fit the theme laid out in this post.
・Icons must be within LiveJournal standards (100x100 pixels, .png, .gif, or .jpg format; 40kb or less).
・Your post should provide 3 examples and a cut (real or fake) leading to a public post.
            title: Round 45: Icon Technique Ladder
            tags: entries: username, round: 45
・Please remember to thank and credit the makers of any resources you find through this community.
・A list of participants and their claims can be found here. Sign-ups will be open until the end of the round.
・Icons are due Monday, the 20th of April at 11:59 pm EDT. (Countdown)

&inspiration post, round: 45

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