Title: Finn's Idea
Author: inspire16
Show: Glee
Characters/Pairing: Puckleberry, Finn
Challenge: None
Rating: T
Word Count: 619
Sometimes Puck thinks his friends are crazy. Well no, he thinks they're crazy most of the time. But there are times when they come up with ideas that aren't that bad. Take Finn for example. He may not be the brightest bulb, but he's come up with some pretty not bad ideas in the past.
Finn's the one who suggested they join the football team. Puck thought it was stupid at first because really, who really decides they want a 200-something pound gorilla breathing down your neck trying to catch a retarded looking ball? But it made him popular and babes creamed for him whenever he walked down the halls, so it wasn't all bad. He could do without the losing, but that's the rest of the team's fault, not his. He rocks at catching shit. (But no, he didn't catch clap, that's just a rumor that bitch Santana made up).
Finn also came up with the idea for him to start his own pool cleaning business. He hadn't been completely sucking at chemistry (so he got a 90% in the class, didn't mean he studied or any kind of geek shit like that) and had been tutoring Finn, when Finn got it in his head that Puck should open a pool cleaning business. He had never asked how Finn jumped from calculating molar mass to cleaning pools, but he was grateful anyways as it had given him primo opportunity to get with cougars.
Finn was also the first to get them into glee club. While he still thought the dancing part was gay, Kurt wasn't bad once you got over the fact that he stares in the locker room, and Tina's makes up the funniest perv jokes he's ever heard, and as a teen male he's heard a lot. Arty shreds on the guitar and Mercedes can actually hold her own in an arm wrestling contest (not that she ever beat him or anything. That shit never happened. They agreed that it had never happened). Of course it also helped him get with Berry.
Who really should be nicknamed BRE, cause after sex that girl has some major case of Bed Room Eyes. Really, no chick on the planet should be that horny after just going at it. But it was one of the cool things about his girlfriend. He never would have guessed how much of a Giants fan she was (which was weird because she had never come to any of McKinley's games). And he would never have known how big of a closet ACDC fan she was. Apparently, (her own words) just because her dads were gay didn't make them hate football or mullet rock any less (though Daddy much prefers Barry Manilow, while Dad is the Led Zeppelin lover). Berry claims that she's watched more football in her life that she has watched Broadway musicals (which, if you knew how she insists on spending her Saturday nights, you would know is next to impossible). But we're getting off track.
Finn has come up with some pretty good ideas in the past, but this one, oh this one really needs to be chucked into the 'demented shit' box, because what stud wants to label his relationship 'Puckleberry'? Could that shit get any gayer? But Rachel just loves it, so he has no choice but to deal with it. But that's the last time Rachel is tutoring Finn English, cause who decides to name their best friend's relationship after Huckleberry Finn huh?
Rachel may think it's cute, but Puck knows it's just Finn's way of making sure everyone remembers that it was Finn's idea for the two of them to hook up, Puckleberry Finn my ass.