YouTube, Fetch Me A Monkey Riding a Dog

Apr 03, 2008 18:33

If you insist!

Also, a farting panda. Waiiit for it...

Life has been going well. And I have to admit, I have enough time to update my blog when I find myself watching not one, but a series of videos about Whiplash, the Cowboy Monkey.

(God, YouTube is bizarre. What hath man wrought?)

I have come to terms with the fact that time passes. I can't stop, slow, double, rewind, or relive it. If I want to do more than I can do in one day, then it just has to get done over two days. Or more! It's pointless to beat yourself up for being less "productive" than you imagine is humanly possible. I'll just roll with it.

Work is going well. It's to a point where I can sit down every day and do plenty of good work and trust that phone calls with my boss will almost always be great. (No matter how hard I work, I almost constantly feel I'm on the edge of being fired for being lazy. Chalk it up to paranoia. Thankfully my boss has made it abundantly clear that I'm doing just fine by her standards.)

Outside of work, I'm getting steadily closer to my CC Bronze award in Toastmasters (the recognition you receive for completing 10 speeches of 5-7 minutes length). I'm getting so involved in the group that when I miss a weekly meeting, I get a call from one of TM friends to give me a jocular brow-beating. (He was also calling on business, which turned into an hour long conversation about religion and politics; like I said, he's my friend).

The lady and I are planning a trip to Europe - one week to split between Paris and Berlin. No matter how much time you do spend in Europe, it's a crime for all the time you COULD have spent. I'd like to take a month for Berlin alone, but my girl and I aren't mega-executives with four weeks of vacation yet.

Working on a couple different story scripts... Jon's life is free from the mandibles of his thesis, but now it's in the mandibles of a possible move. Life overrides again. Sooner or later we'll talk WAIN like we used to. I'm keeping my eye on the summertime. Let's not call it a deadline; it's more like a lifeline. Without it, we're sunk. (Kidding.) Meanwhile I'm funneling about an hour a day into two other scripts that are starting to come alive. It's very slow, but it isn't maddening anymore; I've accepted that you can't walk a thousand miles in an afternoon.

I miss you. (Well, not all of you, but a lot of you. If you're reading this then of course I miss you.) I miss Bakos and Fortin and Adams, and my other artsy friends with good last names. I miss Ben Yee and Ayush and Dav and all the other spark plugs I met at the RC. Life is good; nothing to complain about there. But there are good times, and friends, and places I've been that I don't know I'll ever get back. I probably won't.

Is that bad, or is that just life?
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