To make up for infrequent posting, I thought I would take some pictures of the cellar. They start work down there on Monday, so we have been in the process of cleaning in out this weekend.
As very few people have been down there, I thought I would do a few "before" shots, so we can all see what change there is.
Here's a quick little plan of the cellar so you can follow where everything is. The door to it is by the back door - the stairs are in the space behind the welsh dresser in the dining room.
By the way, sorry about the crappyness of the pictures, it's really hard to get a good picture in the dark with the flash on with my phone.
This is the view from the stairs. I haven't a clue what the PSB stuff means. It reminds me of the symbols they paint on people's doors in movies about virus outbreaks, saying how many dead bodies they found. It's probably not that.
As you go down the stairs and look to your right, there is a bit of an alcove.
This is the first of the three little rooms on the map. It's quite narrow (same width as the stairs) and amazingly dark. Until I took a picture of it with the flash on, I had no idea we had a barbeque set. Just one of the various pieces of crap left for us by the previous owners.
This is the view when you turn left at the bottom of the stairs. At the moment, loads of our junk (and the previous owner's junk) is being stored here in boxes.
This is the second of the little rooms. It contains the fuse box, and a hole in the wall giving easy access to the street. Well, easy access if you are a tiny tiny person with a stepladder. This is one of the things being fixed.
This is the third and biggest of the little rooms.
All in all there is quite a lot of room down there, and I'm really looking forward to being able to use it properly. I'm also looking forward to the builders working downstairs because hopefully we can start putting the main part of the house back together!