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debitumnaturae July 27 2009, 01:10:50 UTC
Oh, Ivan.

Do you want some company?


insovietme July 27 2009, 01:13:35 UTC
...Da, that would be good. Although you are already here, are you not?...


debitumnaturae July 27 2009, 01:16:13 UTC
Well, yes. But time doesn't exactly work for me the way it does for you, so it's not a problem.


((action spamming this, y/n?)) insovietme July 27 2009, 01:18:01 UTC
Ah, I...understand. I will wait, da, to talk with you.


[action] debitumnaturae July 27 2009, 01:23:20 UTC

[The voice comes from behind him, where Death is walking across the rubble of Stalingrad. Despite the uneven surface, she never seems to put a foot wrong.]


[action] insovietme July 27 2009, 01:28:45 UTC
Ah, hello.

[He's sitting on his rubble pile, as he was before, wiping up the blood from his face with his sleeves. He's since found his pipe, and it rests in his lap. When he sees her, he smiles slightly and waves through the dimness.]

The rubble...My city, it was here.

[Up above, there are birds. They say Poh-tee-weet. The rest is silence.]


[action] debitumnaturae July 27 2009, 01:33:44 UTC
And will be again.

[Death sits down on the rubble next to him and his pipe.]


[She offers him a handkerchief, produced either from her pocket or nowhere at all.]


[action] insovietme July 27 2009, 01:38:55 UTC
[He is quiet, for some time, while he takes the handkerchief. He just holds it, as he thinks, and wonders, and marvels at the smokey grey skies above them.]

Thank you.

[He says at last.]

I will rebuild it. When there is time. When...when...I can.


[action] debitumnaturae July 27 2009, 01:47:11 UTC
Better than your sleeves.

[Though she knows a handkerchief won't staunch the bleeding, Ivan being what he is.]

Omnia mutantur, nihil interit.

[Death looks up at the same patch of smoke-filled sky Ivan is staring at.]

"Everything changes, but nothing is truly lost."


[action] insovietme July 27 2009, 02:02:29 UTC

[He absentmindedly starts pressing the handkerchief to his forehead, so the blood does not get in his eyes. He breathes in the smoke and ash that used to be his city. Ivan closes his eyes, and recites, from memories long ago.]

Everything comes in time to him who knows how to wait.


[action] debitumnaturae July 27 2009, 02:16:22 UTC
[Death gives him a sidelong glance and a wry smile. How very Russian. And how very applicable to her.]

Why, yes. Yes, it does.

[She knows the coming winter will only make things worse, for Russia and Germany alike. She sighs.]

I wish you could all learn to get along with each other, Ivan.


[action] insovietme July 27 2009, 02:27:05 UTC
[But of course. Would you expect anything else, coming from him? But he sighs, humming slightly. He thinks, looking around aimlessly so that he does not end up looking only at her.]

I do not think that will be happening for quite some time.


[action] debitumnaturae July 27 2009, 02:35:38 UTC
No. But a girl can dream.

[She says, wryly. Death doesn't dream, since that would place her in her brother's control, and she, of all the Endless, is the one who respects no other's rules.]

I've come for cities before, Ivan. Troy, Carthage--untold others whose names you never knew--but I'm not here for Stalingrad. Not today.

[Death pats the rubble they're sitting on affectionately.]

The Volga's city will be here for quite some time to come.


[action] insovietme July 27 2009, 02:41:32 UTC
Da. Dreams are...they're more for Alfred.

[He's learned, very well, what happens when he gets caught up in his dreams. It won't happen again.]

Ah. Th-that's good. I can't...I can't lose this city, da? Not...this one. I won't-I won't let him take it from me. It...it might be rubble, but he can't...he can't have it.

I'll make sure of it! I promise!

[He smiles, a little wryly, but there's a little pain and fear behind it. He does not want to face his Boss today.]


[action] debitumnaturae July 27 2009, 02:48:18 UTC
Alfred's young. Give him five hundred years or so. He'll settle down.

[Ivans's not fooling her. She pats his knee.]

Josef shouldn't ask more of you than you can give.


[action] insovietme July 27 2009, 03:00:12 UTC
Ah, I would very much like to see that.

[There's an attempted smirk here, but it doesn't quite work. Not right now. He sighs, and the smile that replaces it is worse than the smirk.]

I--I'm certain I can do this. Da, they will not take this city, as he ordered. I...I will make sure of it! Really, I can do this job.


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