The many loves of Sasuke

Nov 07, 2010 20:01

Okay, so its not quite NaNoWriMo but it still feels nice to do a little storytelling again. :)

While Itachi has opted for the traditional family plan to revive the Uchiha clan, younger brother Sasuke has found that being tied to a single sim is not something easy for him to do. Afterall, we can't let all those chemistry points go to waste. Especially since Sasuke tends to swings both ways.

That isn't to say, of course, that Sasuke doesn't TRY to narrow down his options. Afterall, dating multiple people and raising a daughter on his own is very time consuming!

Itachi: "So you're one of the front-runners for my brother's heart."
Sakura: "Good luck, Naruto! Sasuke was my first crush but my chemistry has always been just a little better with Itachi."

[ insert Twilight joke here ]

Meanwhile, Rasler knows her history as Sasuke's first female partner won't be enough to secure him all to herself, so she tries to improve her chances with a the local witch's love potion.

And for one night, it works! Sasuke is all hers, just like the good old days.

A few months later, Rasler gets a visit from her brother Ken.

Rasler: "You look good for being the father of twin boys."

Ken's partner Aya, whom you may remember is also on Sasuke's To-Do list, notices the photos Rasler took with Sasuke (one picture up) and instantly becomes suspicious.

Rasler: "To be honest, I'd been thinking of having a baby. Biological clock tick tocking and all."

Because Ken is pretty when he's worried. :)

Aya: "I knew it! You had Sasuke as a father again, didn't you? How many times have I told you to stay away from him? He's slept with a LOT of sims!"

Ken: "Hey, don't talk to my sister like that! As if you yourself weren't also competing for Sassy's affections once upon a time!"

Aya: "I'm sorry, Ken. You know after meeting you I would never... I have never..."

Aya: "You're the one I've always been crazy for."

To make it up to Rasler, he offers to be the nanny when the baby is born.

Little did anyone know how EAGER he'd be to take on the role when he discovers Rasler had another baby girl with Sasuke.

Aya is so smitten by the new bundle of joy that he refused to give her back to her mother or father (who surprisingly made a visit the night she was born).

Family shot! But as it turns out, Sasuke didn't originally come to see the birth of his baby.

"Rasler, I wanted you to be the first to know..."

But before we get to that, A SNEEK PEAK with the magic of age acceleration and not saving the lot.

This is Alexa. An absolutely gorgeous blend of her father's handsome features and eyes with her mother's skintone and hair! I was almost tempted to save her as an adult already.

Its literally been years since Sasuke's first offsprings were born, the twins Ian and Raziel.

And they've grown up to be quite handsome (though sometimes odd) young men.

Ian had grown up all his life being told that he is the spitting image of his notoriously flirtatious father. In a random burst of genius, Naruto III decides to introduce Sasuke's most likely male heir to his own twin sister, Merryweather.

And Merryweather soon learns that its really hard NOT to fall in love with an Uchiha.

Meanwhile, Ian and Raziel's mother gets some devestating news.
Sasuke: "What I'm saying is -- I will always have a special place in my heart for you as the mother of my boys. But like I told Rasler, my gut is telling me to choose Naruto."

Nothing says, "I'm really sorry but I'm choosing a man over you" like a cute little puppy and a quick departure.

Seeing their mother in such a heartbroken state, Ian suggests they go on a vacation. Just her and her boys.

Ian: "And who knows? Maybe Raziel might overcome his shyness and meet someone too."

Karin agrees to the vacation, but only because she knew the magical well would also be there.
Karin: "I wish... I wish to win back the love of a certain Uchiha."

It doesn't work out quite how she had hoped.
Karin: "You're not Sasuke, but you're definitely an Uchiha and a cute one to boot! I guess you'll do."

Itachi: "Do we have to kiss or anything? I kind of want to go home soon."

Meanwhile, Raziel meets a modestly cute NPC local girl whose name I have completely forgotten and hits it off with her immediately.

Raziel: "HOORAY! I finally have a girlfriend!"
Little did he know...

Ian: "Hey, back off! I already have a girlfriend and you're supposed to be dating my brother!"

Girl: "Dating? Raziel and I are just friends. Its you I'm strangely attracted to and I have the three lightning bolts to prove it!"

But Ian is firm in his position. Bros before girls, any day.

Ian: "If you genuinely care for my brother and don't want to hurt his feelings, I suggest you leave immediately."

Raziel: "Its strange. its like she just disappeared from town. She never met with me at the store this morning and I haven't seen her anywhere."
Ian: "Girls are a bit like fishes, Raz. Sometimes you catch the shiny pretty ones and sometimes... you get a boot."

Hmm. Ian's is shiny but Raziel's is bigger. Is this an omen of the future? Should I heed it?

When they return home feeling invigorated after a good vacation, the puppy Sasuke left them grows up!

Upon closer inspection and better lighting Karin notices that Ergo has some unusual coloring to him.

She also notices one other thing.

Uh oh. Looks like she brought home a souvenir from her vacation afterall!

naruto, uchiha, uchiha twins, ranken, sims, sasuke

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