femme fatale of summer

Jun 19, 2009 22:23

I have never been a big fan of female characters in anime or manga, but I do make an exception for one.

Also, I AM still faithful to Sims 2. Looks like the gossip might have been true and its extremely difficult (if not completely impossible) to create custom meshes in the game. I have to admit though, if I ever do get the game, it is for the spectacular architecture and landscape.

Alas, I seem to be lacking inspiration for a story in the game. So I was thinking: MUSIC PROMPT!
My dear flist, please PLEASE recommend a song to me! It could be one that makes you think of kick-ass girl power. It could be emo. It could even be your official summer 2009 song choice.

On that note, happy Midsummer Day for those who celebrate it this week (and this month in general)!

dogs, sims

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