Something for Trish...

Feb 20, 2006 22:19

A log from a discussion on

Sim: ((Chris> As do I...*C* man, that Alchemicals game was fun.))

insomnifox: *grumble* So, about that Seeking...

Sim: ((Grumble? And what about it?))

insomnifox: Yeah, no autobot game for me...and when Shooter gets back can we do the wrap up?

Sim: ((*pats* Sorry, my thinly veiled Exalted version of Ghost in the Shell 2nd Gig wrapped up. Though it'd be nice to run it times, and the best fight sequences ever. *coughs* Not helping there, yeah, we can wrap it up.))

insomnifox: *nods* ok

Sim: ((Frankly, I think running a straight autocthonian game is a bit rough. If I had the time (or put Abyssals on hold) I'd rather look at doing a war epic between the Realm/Creation and Autobots, although not following the scenarios in the book. Run something where the Realm gets enough together to engage a massive army of elemental demigods and legions, with the possible help of Lookshy and other forces to battle the magi-tech legions of a dying god. In the background, blood soaked fields tear the fabric of reality, and shadowlands bloom in the war as the armies of the dead march under the command of FoFL. Is it a war that (Insert PC Side) can win, can anyone win, or is the only chance for survival lie in peace with enemies that represent everything you despise before the dead and mad overrun the world? *pause* I really want to run that.))

insomnifox: Hmmm...sounds interesting, and would give Trish a chance to get back into a game, except she hates Autobots and Lookshy.

insomnifox: just a char I happen to have sitting around...

Phelis Kougra: back

Sim: ((*C* That would be a bit of a problem with that. And I've still got 6-7 Exalted games I want to run, including Sidereals: West Wing, Dragon-Blooded: the Delebrative, Gods Among Men: Champions in Chaos, What Could Have Been where the Mountain Folk and Dragon Kings rule the world in place of man, A dynastic secondary school game, and something involving god-blooded level types having to battle the creations of the Exalted...the last coming out of watching too much Full Metal Alchemist.))

Sim: ((hello Shooter))

Ch4z -The Ultimate Shield-: Hello kids...

Sim: ((Heya Chaz.))

insomnifox: *C* or there's always Full Metal Alchemicals...

Sim: ((*C* More influenced by Full Metal Jack I think, unless the Alchemicals are taking the roll of homunculi, attempting to go from transhuman to human...))

Sim: ((Maybe a break game would help refresh the juices...*ponders on that* Anywho, I think you wanted to wrap that seeking up with Lotus harassing some of Shooter's chars Chris?))

insomnifox: Or alchemicals fighting the outside world slowly leaking into Autochthon...

Ch4z -The Ultimate Shield-: break from Abyssal?

Sim: ((Chaz> yeah, pause/hold the Abyssal game and run a limited run game. *nods* Something with a definite start and end.))

Phelis Kougra: I like the idea of a smaller-scale thing. commie-bots from an underground kingdom harvesting creation...

Ch4z -The Ultimate Shield-: ahhh....hmmmmsounds interesting...'side it might take the Prince while to find the short cut to Essence 6...I'm thinking Labyrinth time distortion

Sim: ((*nods* I think Autobot War might be able to do it (if limited to a single military campaign), Dynastic Shool (focus on a single year or two), What Could Have Been as an alternate world glimpse, God-Blooded vs ancient evils, or maybe Sidereals: West Wing if it was a single season style issue with a over-plot..))

Phelis Kougra: Dynastic School.

Phelis Kougra: House of Bells 90210...

Phelis Kougra: *G*

insomnifox: *raises hand* Sidereals makes my head hurt...

And that's pretty much where I dropped off to do some other stuff.


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