Proposed upgrades

Jan 08, 2006 21:39

Well, I did some looking around for my comp upgrades. It looks like I'll get to keep my hard drives, optical drives, ram, wifi card, and case, but everything else must go.

Video card

The last time I had to do a major overhaul was around two years ago when I bought Final Fantasy XI. It was alright, but way too repetitive. Most of the upgrades for that I didn't have to do, but the motherboard I had at the time had an integrated video card that was pretty puny. I think it was a 32Mb card. The motherboard also didn't have an AGP slot since it had the integrated card so I went with a PCI card.

With that the two cards in there, I had to run two monitors to do anything and after a week of trying to mess with that, I decided I needed to build a new comp. So it was built and eventually evolved into the machine I have now. Since it was built, I think I've changed out the video card once or twice (currently a 256mb nVidia 8x AGP card, a 5500 I think), and added some more drive space (sitting at about 280Gb). I've also changed the case two or three times, but I'm happy with the one I have now. It's just the right size and has room to grow.

I may modify that soon by painting some of the drive bay covers, and the bezels of my optical drives, but I haven't been inspired by anything yet.

upgrades, computer

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