oh that's... pinteresting.

Feb 02, 2013 11:19

I've abandoned all forms of social media by now. I no longer feel compelled, nor encouraged, to communicate through any network. I don't want to contribute, I don't want to make friends, hell, I don't even want to network with my peers for a better job. Part of that is being busy, but part of that is just wanting to not have any obligations anymore. Yes, it makes for a lonely social life, but well, I don't have the energy for socializing, not after 43 hours a week of socializing (granted, with people I don't want to socialize with.) I especially don't want friend drama, which seems to like to pop out of nowhere, even from the most easygoing and non-hysterical people. I just like to look at pretty things and get off the computer and go to bed.

Which is precisely why I am on Pinterest. Part of that site is eye-roll-worthy, but I've accepted that it comes with the territory of 30 something females, and excepting those, I find a lot of good ideas, projects and inspirational images most of the time that make my home life even more welcoming after work. And really, that's all I want these days. Relaxing, aesthetic and non-drama-related things. That makes me happy. Very little in life makes me happy.

I recently took a Meyers-Brigg test, and while I don't remember what I usually get on these tests, I think it averages around this. Which is really not me, the strategic leadership part, anyway, but everything else fits me more than the other types, those were even more off. I think maybe deep inside, ever since I was a child, I wanted to be in control, I wanted to feel like I have good plans and strategies, I really thought world domination was my thing, but let me tell you, I'm just terrible at strategies, especially making them real time under pressure. I once played chess against a 10 year old Russian girl, and I was really struggling to stay ahead of her. This is the rarer personality type, and after checking the other options, if I was anything else, I'd say I would be INTP, which is the "architect," somehow I could not make it into the artistic personality types, hahaha, I guess I'm more scientist than artist after all...

INTJ Strategists are private, independent and self-confident. They strive for perfection and achievement. They are gifted strategists with analytical, conceptual and objective minds. They are flexible and like to formulate contingency plans. INTJs are able to see the reasons behind things.

Famous INTJ's: C. S. Lewis, Thomas Jefferson, Woodrow Wilson, Augustus Caesar
Fictional INTJ's: Mr. Darcy, Michael Corleone (Godfather), Mr. Burns (Simpsons), Gandalf
INTJ Career Matches: Scientist, Military Officer, Organization Founder, Corporate Strategist, Medical Doctor

Here is the latest cowgirl lolita colored, this is her 2p style, I guess.

random, life, art

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