alive but angry

Mar 17, 2008 14:33

If there is one thing that I really really really really hate, that is being teased. I know some of my friends do it to me and I just barely tolerate their good-natured mocking because we're friends and I would not be able to replace them easily if I kill them. But other than an occasional comment from close friends, I can't tolerate teasing... Nothing makes my blood pressure shoot up faster than having someone, especially a stranger, tease me about my looks or what I do or what I like. Why do you do it? What is the advantage of it?!!!

UNFORTUNATELY, this is how most guys act around girls, for some reason. I don't know what book or internet article they read or what lesson they learn from their male role models, but they're not getting points with me by having a great sense of humor, that's for sure. First off, humor is completely subjective. What many guys find funny, like racist jokes or dead baby jokes, I do not find funny at all. Not even when I'm in a good mood. I would never try to impress anyone by making a racist comment, and people who do think racist jokes really impress women should be taken out and shot until their body no longer resembles a humanoid shape.

Here are the things I like listening to: compliments, news relating to science and medicine, and maybe, constructive criticism on my artwork. If I'm in a good mood.

If the most wonderful part of your personality is your sense of humor, just... don't talk to me. It would be for the best. I love humor and all that, but I don't use it in real life unless I know the person's preferences. I wish other people would think and give their audience the same respect, at least a nanosecond of thought.


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