I _____ Sarah.
Sarah is _____.
Sarah needs _____.
I want to _____ Sarah.
Sarah can _____.
Someday Sarah will _____.
Sarah reminds me of _____.
Without Sarah _____.
Sarah can be _____.
Sarah is always _____.
The worst thing about Sarah is _____.
The best thing about Sarah is _____.
I think Sarah should _____.
If Sarah was an animal, she'd be a(n) _____.
Right now
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Sarah is a Maple (*TAPS*).
Sarah needs Waffle House at 2am.
I want to *tap* Sarah.
Sarah can provide a quote for every feeling I have.
Someday Sarah will be a teacher.
Sarah reminds me of a wise ent.
Without Sarah I would be a sad shrub face.
Sarah can be the best listener ever.
Sarah is always supportive.
The worst thing about Sarah is (well, I was going to say living in Florid, but I can't now.) she is a lush. (I had to call you to get that. ! :P)
The best thing about Sarah is her sexy brain and mite free eyelashes.
I think Sarah should .
If Sarah was an animal, she'd be a tree instead.
Right now, I bet Sarah is thinking about chapstick.
Sarah makes me want to hump things.
Sarah probably tastes like vanilla.
If I could spend the day with Sarah I would have fun.
I'd do just about anything within reason for Sarah.
Sarah is made of non-mite skin and stuffies.
Sarah is the readest and smartest.
If I could be Sarah for a day I would be a lush.
I want to give Sarah a huggle.
The song RICK JAMES by Jude reminds me of Sarah. ;)
The character Charlotte in Charlotte's Web (the total caring package. It's not like I think you have spider legs. :P) remind me of Sarah.
Sarah should play marsupial in summer.
Sarah should sing in the car, loudly.
Sarah should wear whatever the hell she wants.
I think I got em all. :x
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