Winter Swims [Ryan/Bam]

Oct 26, 2005 00:09

Disclaimer: I’ve borrowed them from Britt…

AN: This was supposed to be for dothebullwinkle but I think it should just be for everyone because I love you all. I'll write another one for you Britt ^_^

Summary: Bam’s and idiot, so Ryan’s taking care of it.

Plot bunny from dothebullwinkle so thanks for that! ^_^

Winter Swims

“Are you mad?” Ryan asked, roughly towelling Bam’s sodden wet hair, the younger male shivering in the chair, pulling the other towel around his shoulders tighter. “How could you be so stupid?” Ryan questioned, more to himself than to Bam. The kettle boiled and Ryan added more hot water to the basin in which Bam’s feet sat. “I mean, seriously, jumping, head first, into the freezing cold pool, in the middle of winter. Have you completely lost your mind?” Bam tried to speak, but the chittering of his teeth and the shivering running through his body prevented him from that.

“Bam?” Ryan’s tone took on a more concerned sound rather than his disbelieving and slightly angry one from earlier, when Bam had walked through the door, teeth clattering together and his wet clothes sticking to him. Now Bam sat in the chair, dry sweat pants on him, three towels around him, one on his shoulders, one on his head and a third around his waist. Ryan placed a gentle hand against Bam’s forehead, mildly stunned at the still too cool temperature of his skin. “Jesus, you’re freezing Bam.”

“No…” The sneeze from the wet male cut of his comment, probably just as well too. Ryan shook his head, glaring at the younger male and sighing. Strong hands looped under Bam’s arms, pulling him to his feet.

“Step out.” Bam did as he was told, shaking his feet slightly as he stepped out of the warm water, missing the heat already. Ryan immediately took a towel and quickly dried Bam’s feet before grabbing a cold hand and pulling Bam after him. “You’re going for a hot shower and then to bed. I have no idea what you were thinking, for crying out loud. It’s freezing out there and you go and jump in a pool.” Bam hung his head as he was pulled along, feeling a little stupid. Maybe it wasn’t a good idea, but why was Ryan being such a girl about it?

“Ryan?” Bam’s voice was soft and he frowned at how small he sounded. Ryan didn’t answer him until they reached the bathroom, the blond moving to turn on the shower and heat it up as much as possible. He turned to Bam and frowned.

“Are you still cold?” Bam nodded a few times, still pouting and shivering. His skin was almost white, nearing blue, and Ryan couldn’t stop himself from pulling Bam against his body and rubbing his back through the towel. “God, you know you could catch pneumonia or something.” Ryan muttered against Bam, trying not to enjoy the way that Bam snuggled into him.

It was the soft purr that broke Ryan though, the soft sound of Bam purring into his neck and the feel of cold breath against his throat. Ryan pushed Bam back a little, startling him a little, before pressing the smaller body against the wall and covering it with his own. Ryan’s rough lips sealing over Bam’s cold smooth lips. Bam was shocked at first, but relaxed against Ryan’s body as warm, sure hands spread over his stomach, tracing patterns and heating the skin. Ryan’s tongue pressed for entry to Bam’s mouth, the latter giving it and moaning as the warm, wet tongue mapped out his mouth, memorising every crevice. Numb fingers clung to strong shoulders as every space between their bodies was squeezed out as Bam fought to get closer to the warm body pressing against his cold chest.

They broke apart, Ryan’s tongue moving to sear a line of heat down Bam’s throat while the other just clutched to the mass of blond curls as rough facial hair scratched his skin followed by the soothing feel of the hot flesh against his cool skin. The towels dropped from Bam’s body, leaving him solely in the sweat pants that were clinging to his thin hips, barely holding themselves up.

The screech of the shower reminded Ryan what is was specifically that there were there for, Bam’s cool hands trailing against his cheek showing the he was still cold. Ryan tore himself away from Bam, pulling his t-shirt over his head, throwing it to the floor and grasping Bam’s back as the other launched himself at Ryan, their lips clashing together again as desperate and cold hands trailed across Ryan’s torso, dipping to undo the button on his jeans.

“You need to heat up.” Ryan whispered huskily against Bam’s mouth, his own hands moving to Bam’s hips and slowly pushing the sweat pants off the sharp bones to pool on the floor. Bam licked his lips against Ryan’s, pressing closer as the jeans came undone and were pushed down Ryan’s legs, along with his underwear.

“And you’re coming with me.” Bam mumbled against Ryan, his cold lips pressing against Ryan’s neck. Ryan stepped back, moving into the shower and standing under the spray, pulling Bam under with him. Bam couldn’t stop the sigh and moan escaping his mouth as the hot water hit his skin, moving closer to Ryan to get even warmer. Ryan’s slick hands moved over Bam’s skin, enjoying the sounds that Bam made as the water was worked into his skin, slowly heating his body.

Ryan started to follow the trail of water with his tongue, licking and nipping at the skin, tasting Bam and pressing him against the warm tiles. Ryan slowly made his way down Bam’s body. Large hands held on Bam’s hips, stopping the slighter male from moving away from the exploring mouth. Bam’s hands tangled in Ryan’s now wet hair, his back pressed against the wall as the hot water pelted his chest and rolled down his body.

Soft moans and pants filled the room along with the stream from the shower clinging to the mirror and dampening the walls. Ryan licked a trail down from Bam’s tummy to his cock, licking the head and taking his length into his mouth and brought a hand down to fondle Bam’s balls, earning a gasp and buck from the skater.

“Oh, God.” Bam’s fingers tightened in Ryan’s hair, holding tightly and his nails scrapped against the wet tiles. Bam had to lock his knees, trying to stay upright as Ryan suckled and bobbed his head, licking at the head while taking Bam completely in his mouth. “Jesus, Ryan.”

Ryan’s fingers travelled back, pushing into Bam’s rear, working past the protective muscle ring. Bam whined loudly, his back arching and muscles tensing as Ryan continued his ministrations. The water was still running warm, Bam’s body heating up as his pleasure built and the tightening in his stomach increased with each movement that Ryan made. Three fingers pressed into Bam, stroking and scissoring as Ryan deep throated Bam’s erection, tongue flicking over the head as he withdrew.

Ryan pulled his mouth away from Bam, a whimper of complaint coming from Bam, and stood, his mouth sealing over Bam’s as he moved closer, their chests once more pressing firmly against one another. Ryan’s hands moving to rest behind Bam’s knees, while their tongues pressed together and Ryan gently rubbed circles in Bam’s skin.

“Hold on,” Ryan whispered against Bam’s cheek, licking at the water and sweat mixing on the defined jaw. Bam didn’t get a chance to ask what was meant as Ryan pulled at Bam’s knees, pressing further into the chest before hooking Bam’s legs around his own waist, and pressing the head of his own erection at Bam’s opening. As carefully as possible, Ryan pushed into Bam, watching Bam’s face as he did so. Bam’s cobalt eyes were scrunched closed, his lip between his teeth and low whimpers escaping his throat as Ryan pushed all the way in, groaning against Bam’s shoulder and holding tightly to his hips.

Cautiously Ryan started a steady rhythm, pulling out and pushing in with enough strength to hit just there each time, pulling gasps and groans from Bam and pushed them both closer to the edge. Bam’s hands clutched to Ryan’s shoulders, pleas and moans soon being a constant in the room as Bam got closer to his release, his head back against the wall, hair sticking to the wet tiles and chest heaving. When a particularly strong thrust hit Bam’s prostate, he arched against Ryan, moaning out his friends name as he came there against Ryan’s chest, his hands linking behind Ryan’s neck, holding on as he rode out the waves of pleasure as Ryan kept going, moaning against Bam’s neck and scratching his chest slightly with his beard.

Ryan managed to hold out for a few more moments, before succumbing to the tightness and the heat that was gripping him. Burying his head in Bam’s shoulder, Ryan bit down slightly on Bam’s shoulders as he came hard.

They stayed like that for a while; Bam pressed against the wall with his legs around Ryan’s waist and arms tight around his neck. Ryan holding tightly to Bam’s hips, still pressed inside Bam and leaning against his chest. There was a protesting screech from the shower, the water starting to turn cold and Ryan pulled his head back from Bam’s shoulder, their clouded blue eyes meeting before both nodded in agreement. They should definitely get out of the shower now.

Ryan pulled out of Bam, stepping out of the shower before grabbing a towel and motioned for Bam to follow. Ryan wrapped the towel around Bam and rubbed him dry, before bam moved closer to him and wrapped his arms around Ryan, their lips meeting again as Bam rubbed himself against Ryan’s thigh.

“You should warm me up again.” Bam said with a smile. “In a bed.” There was a mischievous grin on both males’ faces, each thinking the same thing before quickly heading towards Bam’s bedroom, laughing as they both collapsed on the bed.

“Okay, let’s see where you need heating up.”




Ryan isn’t as aggressive as I wanted…so I’ll just write another one and make him more aggressive. ^_^

Hope you all liked!

Whoo, another one up.

Feedback is love, feed me.

character: bam margera, genre: slash, pairing: bam/ryan, rating: nc-17, fandom: jackass, warning: rps, character: ryan dunn, author: torncorpse

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