guaranteed to blow your mind [anytime] [connor/stephen] pg-13

Jun 26, 2008 23:53

Title: Guaranteed to Blow your Mind [anytime]
Author: torncorpse/insomniacs_home
Fandom: Primeval
Characters/Pairing: Stephen/Connor
AN: I’m really starting to like this pairing, so I’ve been dabbling a lot more. Connor’s too cute not to love.
Prompt: 'nervous'
Prompt table found here

Summary: Short, cute, fluffy thing. Connor and Stephen break into an office in search of incriminating evidence. Somehow they end up in the closet.

“Connor, is this a good idea?”

“Yeah, course it is.” Connor answered, pulling himself up and in the window. He grunted slightly and pulled himself all the way in, a clatter of noise following as he landed on the inside. Stephen rolled his eyes and sighed, completely resigning himself to following in Connor’s wake. At least he’d be slightly more graceful.

Stephen pulled himself up until his legs could slide through the window first, sliding inside and landing with just the thump of his feet hitting the ground. Connor just scoffed, apparently not impressed, and Stephen stifled the laugh at seeing Connor somewhat rumpled and blushing.

“What are we looking for?” Stephen asked, glancing around the office they were in. Three filing cabinets sat against the far wall and one desk at the far end of the room, computer sitting neatly atop along with a filing tray and paper shredder to the side.

“Anything that implicates the lab in illegal experiments.” Connor whispered, reading all the labels on the filing cabinets.

“Connor, they’re not going to label it for you.” Stephen said, sighing softly and looking around again. “We’re not going to find a folder or anything with a sign on it for us. ‘I’m what you’re looking for’.” This entire thing was getting more and more stupid and why the hell did he agree to this anyway?

“They’ve got to have files somewhere.” Connor argued, still reading off the filing cabinets. “If you were going to do illegal experiments on extinct species of prehistoric tigers you’d keep a very detailed account of everything, right? I mean, you never know when you’ll get found out.” Damn, Connor had a point.

Stephen flicked on his flashlight and started sifting through the documents on the desk, flipping through the filing trays and taking a glance in the shredder too. Connor bashed at the filing cabinets, drawing Stephen’s attention for a moment. The younger student was pulling at the handle of one drawer, foot on the side of the cabinet while he pulled and pulled. It was hard not to laugh, and Stephen couldn’t keep the smirk off his face.

“Connor, it’s locked. You need a key.” Stephen said slowly, amused greatly at the other males antics. Connor stopped pulling, looking around quickly before meeting Stephen’s gaze.

“I knew that.” He dropped his foot back to the ground and released the handle of the cabinet. “I was just seeing if maybe it would be loose.” With a shrug he tried to shake it off. Stephen was about to laugh again before he noticed the sound of whistling. Flicking off his flashlight he motioned to Connor, trying to get the student out the window quick, but Connor didn’t seem to get it. “What? What’s going on?” Connor almost walked to the door, just as a beam of light sliced across the glass panel beside the door.

Stephen grabbed Connor’s wrist and pulled him into the small cupboard in the office, pressing his hand over Connor’s mouth and quietly closing the door. They stood there, in the dark, bodies pressed against one another and Stephen’s hand cupping Connor’s mouth. One ear was pressed to the door, trying to hear if the person on the other side was in the office, if they were about to be caught and prosecuted for breaking and entering. God, Nick would kill him. That was if Lester didn’t do it first mind you.

“Stephen,” Connor’s voice was mumbled and Stephen shushed him, keeping his hand over Connor’s mouth. The whistling got louder and both Stephen and Connor tensed, staring at the door with barely contained expectation. Stephen was just waiting for the door to be pulled open, for whoever it was on the other side to find them and then, well, then what? Jail? It was highly likely, since if Connor were right there was no way that the company would just let them go, not if they could’ve found something incriminating.

“Sorry.” Connor whispered against Stephen’s hand, his breath tickling just slightly over Stephen’s skin. Stephen moved his hand, placing it on Connor’s shoulder instead, allowing Connor to whisper if he really needed to, but really hoping the student would have the sense to stay quiet. “Yeah, sorry I dragged you here.”

“Shush.” Stephen shot back, still listening to their whistler; the sound was distinctly loud, meaning they were probably on the other side of the wall.

“I just mean that,” Connor started again, and Stephen gripped his shoulder tightly, placing a finger over Connor’s mouth while glancing at the bottom of the door. It wasn’t even as if they could go any further back in the tiny little cupboard. The only space they had was about a half a foot back, because there was nowhere to go sidewise. Connor was pressed to Stephen’s chest, and both of them had their backs to the wall. There was barely enough room to breath. “It’s my fault that we came and I…”

Stephen figured that telling Connor to shut up wasn’t working, so he gave Connor something other than talking to do with his mouth. Pressing just that tiny breathing distance closer, Stephen threaded his fingers into Connor’s hair, pleasantly surprised to find it silky and soft, and pulled Connor’s mouth up to his own. For all of a second Connor was stunned, unmoving and still trying to talk, right up until Stephen trailed his tongue along Connor’s lips and stopped him. It was a decidedly one sided kiss for a few moments, Connor’s mouth slack and pliant under Stephen’s questing tongue. The elder male considered pulling away, just as Connor gave a tentative press of his tongue back against Stephen’s. Connor was shy at first, tiptoeing up and pressing into Stephen softly, hands merely resting at Stephen’s hips. When Stephen slanted his head slightly, deepening the kiss and all but possessing Connor’s mouth with his own, the younger male seemed to respond slightly more. Hands tightened at Stephen’s waist, one moving up under the black jumper he wore and moving up his side over his ribs. Stephen in turn pulled Connor closer, sliding his knee between Connor’s thighs and pushing the slighter male against the wall behind him.

“How quiet can you be?” Stephen whispered against Connor’s lips as they parted for air. Connor’s mouth was kiss swollen and spit slick, parted slightly as he drew a breath before moving just slightly to press his lips back to Stephen’s. Stephen smiled around the soft kiss, pressing his knee up just slightly to rub against Connor’s crotch, enticing a small gasp and sigh from the younger man, Connor’s hands clenching against Stephen’s clothes.

The sound of a door slamming stopped them. Stephen watching the door while Connor leant against the wall, still breathing heavily and clinging to Stephen. There was no sound on the other side of the door and Stephen slowly turned the handle of the door. The office was empty again; nothing different from when they hid in the closet. Stephen turned back to Connor, heart rate shooting up again at the sight. Connor’s lips pouting out slightly, his eyes nearly black and face flushed. Stephen leant back down, kissing Connor again and taking his time with it, trailing his tongue over Connor’s teeth, teasing against Connor’s tongue and tasting along the roof of his mouth.

“We might have a better go at this if we were horizontal.” Stephen murmured, trailing his mouth to bite just under Connor’s ear, feeling Connor jerk against him and rock into his knee. As Stephen slowly pulled away he was almost undone by the low whine and whimper from Connor’s throat. “Come on, lets get out of here.” Stephen pulled Connor towards the window and climbed out first, completely forgoing any gracefulness this time and just moving as fast as possible.

Connor jumped down beside him, glancing down the alley they were now in and back up to the building. Stephen tugged at his sleeve and pulled him towards the car they brought, deciding to forego their initial plans of meeting with Abby, Nick and Claudia at the pub. Stephen was taking Connor home now, damnit.


Comments are lovely.
I might even continue it later and put the smut in.

character: connor temple, pairing: stephen/connor, genre: slash, fandom: primeval, author: torncorpse, rating: pg-13, character: stephen hart

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