Days Off [Stephen/Ryan] NC-17

May 29, 2008 16:00

Title: Days Off
Author: torncorpse/insomniacs_home
Pairings/Characters: Ryan/Stephen
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Unabashed smut. PWP.
AN: It started off as innocent early morning fluff and as a drabble. Not so drabble and not so innocent anymore.
Disclaimer: I do not own.
Prompt ‘Satisfied’. Prompt Table

Summary: Early morning trysts on a morning off.

Deep throaty moans and harsh breathless panting filled the air of the small room. The sound of slick skin against slick skin echoing off the walls, mingling with the creak of bedsprings and occasional knock of wood against the wall. They’d been at it for hours, he was sure of it. The bone tiredness mixed with the throbbing pleasure that only comes from hours of relentless fucking telling him that much.

He’d given up counting the minutes from the clock on the wall, gave up trying to keep track of anything other than the pretty dance of sparks behind his eyes and the slow pull and push of pleasure with every thrust.

‘Fuck,’ the word came out as a groan from behind him, hips faltering in their rhythm just slightly. Stephen gasped as the change knocked his prostate dead on, the abused bundle of nerves sending shocks up his spine. This current angle, this position, left for just the right angle to brush on his prostate with just the right amount of pressure to send waves of pleasure through him but never enough to him over that edge. Stephen’s sure that he’s been teetering on the edge of completion for hours.

At first it had been nice, languid kissing, which of course led to wandering hands and before Stephen knew it he was on his knees, back bent over, head in his arms and ass in the air. Ryan had been the picture of control, firm grip on Stephen’s hips stopping him from picking up the pace, leaving Ryan with all the control. With one knee on the bed, his other foot on the floor, Ryan had the right leverage to keep the slow fuck going all morning. All Stephen knew was that he needed release, soon.

‘Please,’ it was a low whine and Stephen could’ve cringed at how needy his voice was, but for some reason that seemed to spur Ryan on. Ryan’s hips jerked in harder, the pressure and friction nearly blinding Stephen right then. He’d found Ryan’s button and he was not too proud to push it. ‘Please, oh fuck, please.’ The last word was nothing but a whimper as Ryan picked up his pace, thrusting in harder and faster, his grip on Stephen’s hips tightening. When Ryan’s hand came around and started to stroke Stephen’s weeping cock out of time with the hard thrusts, Stephen knew he wouldn’t last much longer. With a drawn out cry and Ryan’s name practically whimpered from his throat, Stephen came with a shuddering gasp.

Suddenly, Ryan pulled out, his grip on Stephen’s hips tightening again before he was roughly turned around on the bed. Stephen lay there dazed for a moment; before Ryan spread Stephen’s thighs open, sliding his erection back into Stephen’s over sensitised body. All that Stephen could manage were sighs and whimpers as Ryan pushed himself to completion, hands loosely gripping at Ryan’s shoulders while the body moved above him. Stephen’s nerves were raw from the prolonged abuse, every draw out and thrust in sending hot sparks into his tired bones.

‘Fuck,’ Ryan’s hands tightened on Stephen’s thighs, pressing down hard enough that there would be bruises the following morning. With a shuddering breath Ryan came, head bowed to rest on Stephen’s shoulder, hips jerking unevenly and a low groan rumbling from the back of his throat.

Ryan collapsed onto Stephen’s chest, only just holding some of his weight back before he slowly drew back and pulled out slowly, watching Stephen’s face for any discomfort. Stephen couldn’t bite back the hiss as his nerves complained about the friction. ‘Did I hurt you?’ Stephen smiled contentedly and shook his head. Ryan just snorted and moved to lie on the bed, pulling the ruined duvet away and getting them both under the sheets.

‘Good wake up,’ Stephen mumbled, head on Ryan’s shoulder as he slowly started to fall back asleep. ‘Breakfast in an hour?’ Ryan snorted again but didn’t move, letting Stephen fall asleep and allowing himself a few more hours of satisfied rest.

Yey for smut.
Comments make me write more.

character: captain ryan, genre: slash, fandom: primeval, pairing: stephen/ryan, rating: nc-17, author: torncorpse, character: stephen hart

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