Cover Me in Gasoline [Gerard/Frank NC-17]

Feb 07, 2008 14:23

Title: Cover Me in Gasoline
Author: vampire_heart/insomniacs_home
Pairing: Gerard/Frank
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 2,660
Warnings: Slash, RPS, AU
AN: for 10_cliche_fics table, prompt ‘I hate you. So much’.
High School AU Fic. [does that count as another cliché?]
table found here
Okay so, high school, we know the ages so…There is no mention of how old the boys are, but it would be ‘underage’ if I did mention it, kay?
Un-beta’d cause I am impatient and hate intruding on the lives of others. No, really.

Summary: Mikey’s friend Frankie doesn’t really get Mikey’s big brother Gerard. Gerard thinks Frank’s nothing but a stunted nuisance. So getting locked in the school dark room together sucks so bad.

If Gerard Way could’ve picked anyone to be ‘trapped in a small room with’ it would probably be someone interesting. Stephen King or Quentin Tarantino or one of the Misfits. If there had been a list, Gerard is sure that Frank Iero would be close to the bottom of it. Sure there were far more annoying people than Frank, but right now Gerard couldn’t think of them.

Currently the small room was the school dark room. Gerard had wanted to develop the pictures he took at the cemetery for his project, waiting till after school finished since hopefully he’d have the place to himself that way. Instead he walked in to find Frank, bopping around the room like an idiot with his tape player on. Frank was one of those geeky kids, he was in the same year as Gerard’s little brother Mikey and the two ended up hanging out together. Which meant that Gerard saw more of Frank than he’d really like.

The annoying thing was that Frank was kind of cute. Gerard had no doubt that girls really didn’t do it for him. But most ‘boys’ didn’t do it for him either. But Frank had that whole small, cute, dork thing going on. Even with the few tattoos that Gerard knew he had he still fell into the ‘cute but dorky’ category, much like Mikey did. The sad thing was that this could’ve happened to anyone.

The door on the dark room had a history of playing up. Once it had trapped Mary-Jane Slim with Dirk Thomas together for nearly the whole night before anyone found them - they had been the poster children of teen love, they broke up two days after being freed. It had been the downfall of Chrissie McNab, the school ‘it’ girl when she’d got trapped alone and ended up needing counselling. Mandy Wilson and Connie Gosh got trapped for a few hours, when people discovered them they expected blood and catfights, instead Connie and Mandy turned their high school rivalry into the best friendship either had. Josh and Ray had got stuck in it for the whole day and missed all of school three weeks ago. And yet, no one thought it wise to fix the damn lock on the door.

So as Gerard turned to leave, figuring he’d just get to school early tomorrow and set things up then, he had that sinking feeling in his gut as he turned the door handle. He tried several times, knowing after the third try that it was jammed again. Knocking his head against the wood he silently asked whatever God thought this was funny why me?

“Jesus Christ!” Frank all but yelled, facing Gerard with a small glare. “Where do you get off sneaking up on people?” Gerard was the school ‘freak’. He wore black, he was pale, he didn’t talk much. So he was labelled the ‘freak’.

“Maybe if you didn’t listen to that crap so loud, you’d have heard me come in.” Gerard muttered, not turning away from the door. He didn’t exactly hate Frank, he just couldn’t be bothered taking the time to get to know the kid and decide if it was worth the bother of at least trying to be nice, for Mikey’s sake. But Frank seemed to really hate Gerard, and that was enough for Gerard to let the hostility out. “Is it my fault that you’re socially inept?”

“I’m not.” Frank crossed his arms over his chest, his glare turning to a frown. “What’s that got to do with anything?”

“Why are you here after school? No one stays after school?”

“Except you, you mean? Well I’m sorry if my school work interrupts with your retarded life.” Frank turned his back on Gerard, focusing on said work again, headphones around his neck but the music still blaring from the speakers. Black Sabbath, not exactly Gerard’s first choice, but not exactly terrible either. It took a further ten minutes before Frank turned back to Gerard, staring at him like he came from outer space. “Why are you still here?”

“The doors jammed you idiot.” Frank moved his gaze to the door, almost as if it would open upon staring. Gerard just rolled his eyes, figuring that eventually Frank would get with the programme and figure out just what was happening.

“What do you mean jammed?”

“I mean it’s stuck, what did you think I meant?” Gerard didn’t have the patience for this kind of idiocy. It wasn’t like Frank was completely stupid, really he wasn’t. Mikey was smart, Frank and Mikey studied together. And if Frank could keep up with Mikey and be doing the same projects and what not he couldn’t be this thick. But he was really good at giving the impression.

“Can’t you un-stuck it?” Frank was once again facing Gerard, hands over his chest, small glare - that really shouldn’t be cute but it was - in place and body tensing. It was like he was spoiling for a fight. Gerard couldn’t remember if there was any talk of Frank being a fighter, there was one time that Mikey came home a little beaten up. From what Gerard could remember he’d been picked on by some of the jocks and ended up with a busted lip and ripped clothes. The following day Frank had been called to the Principle’s office, Frank had a black eye, busted lip and torn knuckles - Pete Callaghan hadn’t played football for the remainder of the season due to busted ribs. Frank and Mikey had been friends ever since and Frank, despite being smaller, stuck up for Mikey no matter what.

“No, doofus. Someone needs to get it from the outside.” Gerard felt that explaining things to a three year old might be easier. “It’s a stupid door, it gets stuck, people get trapped, that’s what happens.”

“Are you sure?”

“What do you think I’ve just done? I can’t get it open, it’s stuck!”

“Try again.”

“What, you think the first thirteen times didn’t work?” Gerard didn’t like this kid, he just didn’t. “If you think you’re so smart why don’t you try to open it.” He was well aware that this was quickly approaching the playground ‘well so do you’ territory, and Gerard was so beyond that at this stage in his life that he didn’t want to deal with the histrionics that Frank could come up with.

Frank walked over to the door, trying the handle before hitting against the door with his shoulder. The fist punches seemed a little much and Gerard got the inkling that this wasn’t just about being stuck with him for Frank. But he couldn’t help the words that popped from his mouth.

“Awe, is little Frankie afraid of the little room?” It was such a low blow, and Gerard saw the change in Frank’s face the second he’d finished the sentence.

“Fuck you! You don’t know shit. I don’t need your fucking approval and I don’t give a fucking shit what you think!” The anger was so intense and so righteous that Gerard couldn’t help the stirrings of arousal, he’d already admitted to himself that he’d do Frank. He was cute, compact and had so much energy it was unreal. His lips were so fuckable it should be a crime, with the one silver hoop through the left side of his bottom lip, the way he played with it between his teeth. Okay, so maybe he was a little more than just cute, with big brown eyes and those lips and his hands, fuck.

Gerard couldn’t seem to stop himself from moving forward, and the anger in Frank’s eyes turned to apprehension. In a fight they’d both probably come out worse for wear. Frank could throw punches, but Gerard had height - be it just a few inches - and strength behind him. But there was more than one way to get rid of the tension, to defuse the entire situation. Gerard wasn’t sure if this would be what earned him that busted lip and a talk from Mikey about attempting to molest his friends - since there’d been two already.

In the end though it was Frank who made the move. Nearly pouncing those final inches of separation to attack Gerard with his mouth. It was angry and forceful but sweet all the same, with the sheer emotional backing Gerard wasn’t sure what else it could be. Stepping forward Gerard pressed Frank back against the door, using his height as leverage over the smaller male. One knee pressed between Frank’s legs and Gerard noted the hitch in breathing, the moan in the back of Frank’s throat, the almost desperate grating against his leg. Their lips parted due to the need for air, but Gerard dipped his head and latched on to Frank’s neck, biting and licking and suckling at the skin. Gerard was enjoying the noises that left Frank’s throat, the low whines, the breathless gasps. Hands were in his hair, then over his shoulders and down his back, like Frank just couldn’t stay still for a moment.

Gerard’s backpack was dropped to the floor, Frank’s tape player joining soon after before hands moved under shirts and those were swiftly thrown to the building pile on the floor. It was Frank who brought their mouths together again, his hands working on Gerard’s belt buckle while his tongue stroked into Gerard’s mouth, tongues tangling and stroking against the other. Gerard’s buckle was undone and Frank’s fingers moved to the button on the jeans, both pulling back as Frank concentrated on the awkward button. Gerard laughed slightly, moving his own hand and just pulling at the jeans to get them undone, Frank gave a snort before one hand dipped inside Gerard’s jeans, moving past the waist of his boxers to wrap around his erection.

Gerard’s moan of pleasure seemed to cause Frank to redouble his efforts, hand tightening around the hard length, thumb stroking over the head. The angle was all wrong, and the confinement of Gerard’s jeans made it awkward and Frank apparently agreed. When Frank pulled back and his hands moved to give the jeans a sharp tug at the hips Gerard was quick on realising what he wanted, but Frank still had his own jeans on, so Gerard decided to even the score first. Frank’s jeans were easily removed, the loose, torn fabric nearly falling from his hips, boxers following suit. Gerard took the chance to grip Frank, stopping the younger male in his bid to remove Gerard’s pants as his head fell back with a thump against the door.

Gerard pulled his jeans down enough to free his own erection, stepping closer to Frank and kicking his legs apart just a little more, allowing Gerard to stand between them. Their cocks lined up, a small moan from Frank as Gerard stroked them both together, the heavy silky feel sending shocks of pleasure through the older boy. Frank bit down on his lip, one hand moving to Gerard’s shoulder, eyes closed firmly while his hips jerked into Gerard’s grip. Gerard moved to bite at Frank’s neck, suckling and nipping at the soft flesh, earning more moans with the sharp nips.

Frank’s grip on Gerard tightened suddenly, his mouth opening in what appeared to be an attempt to form words and Gerard couldn’t stop watching as Frank came undone. Body tense, hips jerking erratically in Gerard’s hand and against his cock, hands tightening and loosening while soft moans fell from an open mouth.

“Fuck.” Frank came in Gerard’s hand, cheeks flushed and breath coming in harsh gasps. Gerard moaned at the sight of it, still stroking their cocks together until it was evident that the aftershocks were becoming painful for Frank. When a smaller hand joined Gerard’s around his cock, Gerard leaned closer to Frank, his hand all but falling away as the younger boy jerked him off, watching his face as Gerard let go of his control. It didn’t take long for Gerard to come, moaning into Frank’s neck, inhaling the sweet smell of sweat and sex that practically radiated from the other male.

They both stood silently, Frank leaning against the door, Gerard leaning against Frank. It took a few moments before either could compose themselves at all. Gerard couldn’t rationalise the impulse to kiss Frank, they’d both worked out the aggression, they’d both settled the fire. So why did he want so badly to just taste Frank? To just share in the post-coital bliss with lazy kissing and petting like they were actually emotionally involved? In the end the urge won out over rationality and Gerard placed soft kisses against the supple skin of Frank’s neck, tongue licking slightly at the slowly cooling skin, tasting the sweat.

“Gerard,” Frank’s voice was low, slightly hoarse and very husky. Gerard still felt that pleasant thrum through his veins at the sound; he wanted to hear the voice so much more. This could not be good. “What’re you doing?”

“Basking, let me bask.” There was a small chuckle from the other boy, sending nice vibrations through Frank’s chest and into Gerard’s. If he’d been honest the older boy would’ve thought Frank would push away, not let Gerard enjoy the post bliss high, least of all to continue petting and kissing him.

Gerard decided to chance his luck, pulling away slightly to face Frank, before leaning in and softly kissing the pierced lips gently. It wasn’t the hurried kisses of before, nothing fierce or hurried, limited passion and just a soft, sensual press of lips to lips. Until Frank moaned lightly and opened his mouth just a little. Gerard pressed his tongue past the parted lips, slowly trailing around Frank’s mouth and just tasting, exploring. It was nice, Gerard decided, Frank tasted like cherry lollipops and gum. When fingers trailed across Gerard neck he started to pull back.

“What was that?” Frank asked, eyes somewhat bewildered. Coupling the big brown eyes with the kiss swollen lips, Frank looked utterly debauched and Gerard thought it was a good look on the younger boy.

“That’s what people call a kiss.” Gerard teased lightly, none of the earlier venom behind the remark. It earned him a small blush and smile from Frank and Gerard decided to tease more often, at least when Frank came over to hang out with Mikey. “Y’okay?”

“Yeah.” Frank nodded lightly, arms still draped over Gerard’s shoulders, lip between his teeth. “What happened? And no bullshit.”

“I dunno.” Gerard sighed, trying to figure it out. They supposedly hated each other. Frank probably more than Gerard. But the passion had been all consuming and at the time Gerard could think of nothing but feeling Frank against him. “People say there’s a fine line between love and hate. The line gets blurred sometimes I guess.” It wasn’t quite bullshit, but Gerard worried that Frank would see through it all the same.

“So, like, enemies with benefits?” Frank asked quietly, his cheeks still stained with an adorable blush.

“Not so much enemies, just, acquaintances.” Frank smiled a little and nodded again and Gerard pulled back, pulling up his jeans and boxers and going about getting dressed while Frank did the same.

“How long do you think it will take to get the door open?” Frank asked, standing staring at the door with clenched fists and Gerard remembered the irrational look that came over Frank previously.

“Janitor will probably be around in an hour or so.” Gerard answered, looking at his watch. The janitor now made rounds before locking up the building, check into each and every room in the school. Because apparently school kids got stuck in the strangest of places. “Don’t worry, Frankie,” Gerard moved up behind the smaller male, arms wrapping around Frank’s waist loosely. “I’ll protect you.” There was snort of laughter before Gerard turned Frank and kissed him again.

After all, they had at least an hour to kill.


Part One of the soon to be School Boy AU Series.
Comments are love.

pairing: gerard/frank, genre: slash, series: high school au, character: gerard way, rating: nc-17, warning: rps, fandom: mcr, warning: au, character: frank iero, author: torncorpse

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