Kissing it Better [Bam/Ryan]

Oct 12, 2005 19:40

I wrote this last night, but then the internet screwed up with me and I couldn't post I'm posting it now. ^_^

Disclaimer: Not mine. Never happened. I can dream though.

Summary: Bam gets hurt and Ryan makes it better.

AN: Request from nicb0723, and since I’m in such a nice mood, and because I can’t sleep, I’m writing it.

Kissing It Better

“Fucking bitch.” The house had been quiet. With just Dunn lazing in the living room and Bam out on his skateboard it had actually resembled what would pass for a nice house in the countryside. Until Bam came back inside. “Stupid fucking bitch.”

“Who’s a bitch?” Dunn asked, looking up from the magazine he was reading as Bam fell on the sofa, lying on his back and…holding his crotch?

“That stupid horse that Bran kept. Fucking stupid,”

“Bitch. Yeah, you’ve said.” Ryan finished, putting the mag down, knowing for sure he’d never get to finish reading it in peace now that Bam was back in, and apparently injured. “So what happened?”

“I fell.”

“I get that but what the fuck happened? As in what hurts?” Bam could be such a whiney bitch when he hurt himself.

“What do you think? I landed on the fucking horse!” So that was why he was holding his crotch, and here was Ryan thinking Bam was just randomly feeling himself up.

“Ah, so um…you want some ice?”

“No, I don’t want to freeze my balls off thanks very much. I’m just going to lye here and complain. And you can listen.” Bam said with a glare, as if Ryan knowing that was going to happen should’ve been a given. Ryan on the other hand, was not interested in this scenario.

“I’ve got a better idea.” Ryan told Bam, a small smile on his face. Appearing to be laughing at Bam was not a good idea while he was in this mood. “How about I kiss it better?” Ryan asked, sounding very much like a sultry whore, which actually fazed Bam long enough for Ryan to get on his knees beside the sofa while Bam just impersonated a goldfish.

“You what?” He asked meekly, not sure if he had understood Ryan properly or if he’d just fallen asleep and slipped into one of his recurring fantasies. Sex on the sofa being one of his favourites, it was right behind sex with Ryan on the pirate bar. But no one knew about that.

“You heard. Do you want me to kiss it better?” Ryan batted his eyelashes a few times and Bam was pretty much dumfounded. He hadn’t seen this side of Ryan…ever! He couldn’t do anything but nod as Dunn’s hands moved to the waist of his baggy cut off black pants and started to undo the fly and button, pulling them away from his body.

Bam didn’t move, he didn’t speak and he wasn’t sure if he was breathing any more. Ryan’s mouth slowly descended to his stomach, tongue darting out to trace the tattoo strategically placed above his groin. The hot, wet feeling of the tongue tracing the lines and teasing his skin left Bam sighing happily and breathing a little more erratically. The pain from his fall was slowly ebbing out of his head. His pants were now around his ankles, with his boxers following and his growing erection, to which he was very surprised at being able to get, was being gently fondled in warm, sure hands. Bam bit back the groan of pleasure that was fighting to escape his throat. He was too scared that this would all be some cruel joke. But Ryan wouldn’t do that to him, would he?

Any thought that was in Bam’s head just moments ago, fluttered straight out as his cock was engulfed in a warm, wet mouth and a tongue darted along the underside of his penis. One of his hands moved, of its own free will, and tangled in Ryan’s messy blonde curls, clutching on to whatever reality he could.

All pain was gone, only the sweet agony of a slow suckles and bob of the head was that remained, the intense pleasure slowly building as a white, hot sensation boiled in Bam’s stomach. He had to fight to remain calm, and he was winning, until he looked down.

The image of Ryan’s head, between his own thighs, bobbing and sucking on his cock just could not be burnt into his mind with any more detail than it was right now. The sight was enough to break the dam of will power and the moans and pants and groans just flooded out of Bam’s mouth.

His appreciation of Ryan’s actions seemingly spurring on the elder male, as no sooner had Bam murmured his praise of the attentions being paid and Ryan had found a new lease of life, completely swallowing Bam’s entire length and humming his own approval

“Oh sweet Jesus.” Bam thrust upwards, pushing deeper into Ryan’s mouth, although he doubted it were possible, and gripped the hair in his hand even tighter, his other hand moving to his mouth where he bit down on the knuckle in a desperate bid to cling to just a little bit of his dignity.

Dunn’s enthusiasm seemed to increase, as he sucked harder and moaned around Bam’s cock, the younger skater arched off the sofa, bucking almost wildly as he came hard into the others mouth. Ryan, with no choice otherwise, swallowed the load and continued to milk Bam until he had calmed a little and was once more subdued on the sofa.

“All better?” Ryan asked innocently, a slight look of concern and genuine intrigue on his face. He pulled up Bam’s boxers and pants, doing them up and tidying up the skater just a little.

“Holy cow, Random. Where the fuck did that come from?” Bam asked, a little breathless and disorientated.

“Well, you wanted me to kiss it better, so I did.” Ryan said, moving back to his own chair and picking up his magazine.

Bam lay there for a while, actually thinking quietly for a while. “Hey, Dunn?”

“hmm?” Ryan didn’t look up from his magazine as Bam slowly sat up.

“Do you think you could join me in the pirate bar for a minute or two? There’s something I wanna do before the others all get back.” This time Ryan did look up, a look of wonder dancing across his features before that constant look of indifference was back again.

“Sure, what’s up?” Bam didn’t say anything as he walked through to the bar, feeling Ryan following behind him. There were a lot of things on Bam’s mind. A rather long ‘To Do’ list had just appeared in his head. And he had enough time to travel through most of the places ‘To Do’ Dunn right now.


Well, that’s my version…and I’m still not tired.

I’ve only wasted 25 minutes! This is not good.

All those who hate insomnia…Hit me with a meat cleaver…

Feedback is food, feed the author.

character: bam margera, genre: slash, pairing: bam/ryan, rating: nc-17, fandom: jackass, warning: rps, character: ryan dunn, author: torncorpse

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