Possession [Sam/Dean NC-17]

Nov 20, 2007 00:28

Title: Possession
Author: torncorpse/insomniacs_home
Pairing: Dean/Sam
Rating: NC-17
AN: Complete PWP, was supposed to be a smut snippet.
Summary: PWP Smut, Dean really can be possessive sometimes.
Warnings: smut, pwp, incest, m/m, light bondage...


Sam groaned and arched, pushing his body closer, craving more. Needing more. Dean hovered above him, fleeting touches teasing his sensitised skin. Sam felt like he’d been on the edge for hours, Dean playing with him, flaunting his own restraint while pushing all of Sam’s buttons. He’d been pushed to the brink, taken to the edge of euphoria and then eased back down, something Dean loved to take his time with, driving Sam crazy with desperation and want.

Sam had started begging long ago, pleas falling from his kiss swollen lips. Dean hardly paid them any attention, ignoring them in favour of whispering wicked words into his brothers ear, skilled hands trailing over his body, stroking just right, teasing just there, dancing over his skin.

“You like that Sammy?” Dean’s voice was dripping with want, practically oozing sex. “You like my hands? Like it when I touch you, when I stroke you. You like my fingers on your hard cock?” He punctuated his words with a bite to Sam’s ear, fingers stroking hard flesh, slick with pre-cum.

“Dean, please, I need…please,” his arms burned from the strain, his wrists held above his head in one of Dean’s tight grips, his legs spread wide and wantonly, Dean leaning between them, Sam’s feet planted on the bed, an attempt at some leverage to gain some kind of friction, to get something from that toned body pressed between his thighs.

“What do you want? Hmm Sammy, you want this? My hand bringing you off? You want to come like this, in my hand, over your own stomach? Or do you want my mouth, sucking you off? So tight around your cock, you know I love it. Tasting you, swallowing you.” Dean licked at Sam’s throat, tongue swiping across his Adam’s Apple before his teeth bit down lightly over the tender flesh. Sam almost came undone right then.

“Fuck Dean, want you…need to, oh God. Fuck me!” Sam saw Dean’s eyes darken, he knew he’d done it then, had got that stage where Dean just couldn’t say no. Slick fingers pressed in him, Sam moaned loudly at the sheer desperation of it. Dean wasn’t gentle, he was quick, only giving the minimal preparation required before sliding his hard cock home, the feeling of it going straight to Sam’s toes as he moaned loudly.


Dean shuddered, feeling the clenching heat around him. This was the closest to home Dean had ever been. Having Sam below him, around him, it was almost too intense. Dean waited for a moment, getting himself under control. Much to Sam’s annoyance.

“Dean, please. God, need it, need you so bad.” Just the sound of Sam’s voice was enough to urge Dean on. Slow, steady thrusts to begin with, drawing out just the way to make Sam moan and shudder. When the body below him started to match the rhythm, Dean moved harder, pushing forward to meet Sam’s own thrusts, his pace gaining speed as the sensations started to build.

Dean released Sam’s arms, both hands gripping to Sam’s hips as he moved to control the speed, slamming his own hips forward as he pulled Sam’s down to meet him. Sam arched and moaned, gripping tightly to Dean’s shoulders.

“God, you’re so tight, so hot just laid out for me.” Dean felt all the muscles in Sam’s body tense, felt the rippling sensations as Sam got closer to the edge, his own body on the brink. “You are mine.” Dean bit down on Sam’s shoulder, letting the euphoria cascade through him, his release being ripped from his body as Sam whimpered below him.

As he came down off his high, Dean pulled out of Sam, trailing one hand down his body, teasing over hard nipples, trailing over each rib before finally moving to curl around Sam’s straining erection.

“You want this Sammy? Is this what you need?” Dean stroked his hand down Sam’s shaft, causing Sam to moan and thrust into the tight grip. “Tell me how bad you need it.” Dean whispered, nipping at Sam’s ear lobe.

“Please,” Sam moaned, “want it so much. Need it. Fuck Dean, please.” Sam’s hands moved to grip at Dean’s arms, his body thrumming with the pent up energy. “Please Dean, let me come, please.”

Dean licked at Sam’s lips, halting the pleading just as Sam’s body tensed. Dean felt Sam’s release tumble through his body, his stomach quivering, his arms shaking, his legs falling open and his head tipped back as a soundless scream fell from his lips. Dean couldn’t resist the temptation to just lick and bite at that exposed neck, his hand still milking Sam’s softening cock.

When Sam finally relaxed, lying there on the bed, boneless and sated, Dean moved away to get a wash cloth, quickly cleaning them both before discarding it and joining his brother back on the bed. Sam was happy to just lie there, eyes closed, while his breathing returned to normal. Dean smiled slightly as he softly petted at Sam’s chest, fingers trailing everywhere, Sam’s own fingers dancing on Dean’s neck as his arm curled around his brother’s shoulders.

“So what was it, the dead chick nailing me with the shovel or the hot doctor hitting on me?” Sam asked, his voice low and scratchy.

Dean growled and the mere mention of the nights previous incidents. “How about you look out a little better on the hunt.” Dean ran his fingers through Sam’s hair, avoiding the injury that led them to the ER after getting rid of the ‘evil spirit’. “And I just mark you to avoid any further Doctor flirting.” Sam moaned through Dean’s harsh, claiming kiss, smiling at the end of it.

“I’m yours Dean. No one else’s. But damn do I like your possessive streak.”



Comments are lovely.

genre: slash, character: sam winchester, rating: nc-17, pairing: sam/dean, fandom: supernatural, warning: incest, author: torncorpse, character: dean winchester

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