So What If You Can See [the darker side of me] [Dean/Sam SPN]

Jun 23, 2007 00:42

Title: So What if You Can See [the darker side of me]
Author: vampire_heart/insomniacs_home
Pairing: Dean/Sam
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Slash, Incest, M/M [brother/brother] sex, angst.
An: For caramel_maddy and riorhapsody for endless fandom feeding. Thank you.

Maddy, this one is for you.

To everyone who commented on the first bit. I love you all.

Summary: Dean didn’t even see where Sam came from, but without warning he was pressed against the wall with his little brother’s hands seemingly everywhere.
Sam and Dean need to deal with the consequences of their blood induced tryst.

Continuation of this. Since people liked it.

When Sam woke up, stiff and sore, there was a flitting confusion as to why he felt that way. Sitting up and looking around the room, the previous night came rushing back to him, including the pain in his neck. Stretching his neck to the side, Sam felt the dried blood on his neck crack, the wound starting to bleed lightly again.

“Dean?” The shower wasn’t on, the space beside Sam in the bed was cold and there was one cup of coffee sitting on the table top in the corner. Sam practically sprung from the bed, pulling on a pair of jeans as he went to the window, relaxing slightly when he saw the Impala sitting where they’d parked the previous night. Picking up his phone, Sam made a quick call to Bobby, deciding that whether it was over or not, he’d tell Bobby it was. It wasn’t like he needed to go into detail over anything, right?

“Dean?” Trying again, Sam wandered through to the bathroom, finding Dean leaning on the sink, staring at the mirror. Sam moved in behind Dean, getting no reaction from his big brother. “Dean,” Sam placed a hand over Dean’s shoulder, getting a jerk as Dean pulled out of Sam’s grip, almost as if the touch burnt him. “Hey, what’s up? Is it the bite? I knew you should’ve got that checked out.” Sam reached past Dean, getting the first aid kit, but was jerked away when Dean grabbed his arm and spun him around.

“Are you retarded? Do you not remember what happened?” Sam was pushed against the wall, beside the door to the bathroom. Dean’s eyes fell on the newly opened bite on Sam’s neck, a small trickle of blood trailing down Sam’s neck. “Does it hurt?” Dean’s finger traced up Sam’s neck, smearing blood over smooth skin.

“Not really.” Sam lied, sensing that this would come back to one of Dean’s vulnerable moments; they may be few and far between, but when they hit they were far more extreme than anyone could expect. Sam knew that he would have to watch his step from here on in. Dean hardly ever showed his sensitive side, never let his guard down enough to be considered vulnerable, but there were chinks in the armour that Dean had made around himself, small holes that, if left long enough, would give way to colossal gashes that would fester and eat Dean alive. Sam knew he had to fix this, somehow.

“God Sam, I’m sorry.” Dean’s head rested against Sam’s uninjured shoulder, their bodies almost flush and Dean practically clinging to Sam. Sam let himself relax against Dean, showing that there was no fear or need to worry, showing that he still trusted Dean utterly.

“For what?” Sam didn’t know why they were whispering, but their voices were hushed, even in the privacy of their own motel bathroom. Dean’s nose nudged at Sam’s neck, coaxing Sam to crane his neck a little, to give Dean some space where his mouth was now placing soft, gentle kisses to Sam’s skin. Sam didn’t even bother to suppress the shudder that ran through his body as Dean’s tongue flicked out to lap gently at the sensitive skin of Sam’s neck.

“What do you mean for what?” Dean pulled away from Sam, his forehead creasing in a frown as his eyes searched for something in Sam’s, as if he expected Sam to come away with some strange amnesia - although it would probably ease the situation, it wouldn’t ease Dean’s guilt.

“I’m not sure what you have to apologise for.” Sam still had his arms loosely around Dean, one hand holding to Dean’s hip while the other was hanging over Dean’s shoulder, keeping him close enough that they could still feel the others body heat. Dean’s head moved a fraction closer to Sam, almost as if he were leaning in for a kiss, Sam licked his lips, still tasting the blood from last night, feeling the torn skin on the inside of his lower lip. When Dean’s head tilted up, Sam’s tilted down to meet him, their lips brushing marginally. Sam could feel Dean’s breath against his skin, warm air drying his lips slightly.

“Last night,” Dean’s voice was low, the sounds nothing but weak whispers in the small room, “I hurt you. I could feel everything and see everything and I wanted it.” Dean took a shaky breath, eyes closing as his continued. “I could taste you, feel you. I wanted every part of that, I wanted to make you beg and plead and hurt. Damnit Sam, I did hurt you.” When Dean’s eyes opened - his gaze linking with Sam’s instantly - there was a fierceness in them that sent a jolt from Sam’s stomach throughout his body, warming him from the inside out.

“But…I wanted it too.” Sam could remember every part of the previous night vividly. He had bruises on his legs and hips from Dean’s hands, gripping him so tight. The bites on his neck, those were Dean’s teeth. Everything from the night marked him in a way he loved, he was Dean’s, it was there. And although something in him itched at the prospect of being owned by anyone, there was something else, something stronger, that wanted to claim Dean in the same way. “I liked it, and in case you’ve forgotten, I got off on it.” Dean took in a shuddering breath, his body leaning in closer to Sam as they stood there in the small, cold bathroom.

“Sammy,” Dean’s hand moved to Sam’s hip, pulling their bodies flush letting Sam know that he wasn’t the only one affected by their closeness or the need in his veins for his brother. Sam pushed his hips forward to meet Dean’s, feeling the groan that rumbled through Dean’s chest as their groins rubbed against one another. Dean leaned up and took Sam’s mouth, far more gentle than last night, a hesitant brush of lips before Sam’s mouth opened and his tongue teased Dean’s into his mouth. There was still a taste of blood from both of them, but Dean’s mouth had an underlying hint of mint toothpaste. Their chests pressed closer together, but Sam’s shoulder ended up with too much pressure from somewhere and a pained whimper broke past his lips. Dean jerked back like he’d been burnt, worried eyes gazing at Sam. There was a fear in Dean’s eyes that Sam had never seen before, something that Dean never let him see. Dean wasn’t afraid, Dean couldn’t be afraid. But he was now. And that in turn scared Sam. Without a word Dean pulled back and left the bathroom, leaving Sam standing against the wall, a little dazed and a little more worried about how they’d get through this one.


Dean scrubbed his hands over his face, trying to stop remembering how Sam had sounded, how Sam had looked, writhing and moaning under him. Dean could still taste Sam’s blood on his tongue, the coppery tang of the liquid.

God, Dean didn’t know how they’d get past this. How could Sam trust him now? How could they get back to where they were? Even just back to how it was before Dad had gone missing, before Jess had died. They talked on occasion. Sure, it had been two years since they’d actually seen one another. But they’d call every now and then. He’d really screwed up this time.

He was considering calling Bobby, getting him to take Sam for a while, getting some distance between them until things blew over. That chain of thought was rudely interrupted though. Dean didn’t even see where Sam came from, but without warning he was pressed against the wall with his little brother’s hands seemingly everywhere. Warm hands running under his shirt, smoothing over his skin, a strong chest pressing into his back as he felt Sammy’s erection pressing into his ass.

Dean’s hands splayed out over the wall, his cheek resting against the cool surface while Sam’s hot breath ghosted over his neck, lips brushing his ear lightly but never lingering. Dean only just managed to suppress the moan that threatened to break through as he pressed back against Sam.

“We are going to deal with this right now.” Sam’s voice was heavy with lust, right beside his ear and sending a shiver down his spine. “Rough sex? Not my thing, but once in a while, sure. But last night, you claimed me, under influence or not, and now,” Dean felt the warmth of Sam’s body seep into his shirt, warming him and causing him to seek it out just a little bit more. “Now it’s my turn.”

Dean was pulled back, falling to the bed, legs splayed out as he rested on his elbows while trying to catch his bearings. Without pause Sam was over him, sliding between his thighs and taking Dean’s mouth possessively. Dean had to lie back and take it, his body being pressed down into the mattress by Sam’s weight as those large hands ran over his heated flesh.

Sam pulled back from Dean, both to take a gulp of air and to pull the offending t-shirt off over Dean’s head, tossing it to the floor before ducking his head to lick a path from the centre of Dean’s chest to his neck, biting down on his Adam’s Apple. Dean’s body arched up, lower body rubbing against Sam’s naked torso. Sam groaned against Dean’s skin.

Dean tried not to appear too needy, tried to contain the moans from his throat. But when Sam arched just so, creating perfect friction against Dean’s straining erection, the rumbling groan that escaped Dean just couldn’t be contained. The boxers Dean had pulled on were unceremoniously yanked from his legs, tossed with the other clothes somewhere in the room while Sam got himself out of his jeans hastily.

Dean’s hands ended up wandering along his brothers tanned and toned chest, by passing the purple bruises from whatever hunt, avoiding the gash on his shoulder. Fingers danced on the finger shaped marks, the bites and marks that Dean knew he’d left the previous night, his brands on his little brother’s skin. His. The claim he’d staked last night, the one which was about to be returned. Sam seemed to arch into the touch, and Dean tentatively leant up to place a soft kiss over the bites on Sam’s neck, his tongue trailing around the heated flesh at the last second.

Strong hands pushed him flat, Sam coming back to catch Dean’s mouth in a searing kiss. Slowly, Sam broke away, moving down Dean’s body, his tongue blazing a trail of heat all the way down his chest as he went. Dean gasped at the bites, the licks, and when Sam’s mouth wrapped around Dean’s erection the elder’s fingers tangling in the sheets just for something to hold on to. It may not have been the best blow job of his life, but with Sam eagerly lapping at his balls, fingers dancing here and there while the beautiful suction was applied to his straining cock, Dean couldn’t remember a better feeling.

His hips started to jut up, one hand moving to Sam’s head, tangling in that mass of soft brown curls. Moans and pleas falling from his mouth with no hesitation, because this was Sammy, and why bother holding back?

Then the warmth was suddenly gone, and so was Sam. Hands pulled at his hips, turning Dean onto his stomach and coaxing his knees up. Dean felt the bed shift as Sam knelt behind him, their legs brushing as Sam’s hands caressed down Dean’s back, muscles twitching at the sensation. Then there was a cool finger pressed at his asshole. A lubed finger, pressing just so gently at his opening and Dean couldn’t stop himself from pressing back against it, forcing Sam to slip in the first tiny bit. That was when Dean really felt it, the soothing, tingling feeling of the cool gel on Sam’s fingers. Oh God, Sam was prepping him with the mentholatum they’d kept since they were kids. Dean groaned at the sensation, the tingling not entirely from the stretching of muscles. The smell was already reaching Dean’s nose, only they would have mint scented sex.

Sam pressed open mouth kisses to Dean’s shoulder blades, hooking his finger and pressing in to the third knuckle, waiting until Dean showed no resistance before pulling back. Dean knew that Sam was doing this more for himself than Dean, Dean knew he didn’t deserve this much preparation. And then Dean stopped thinking.

“Fuck, Sam.” The slow burn wasn’t painful, Sam slowly pushing into Dean’s body was anything but painful. The stretch was just right, the warmth of Sam pressed against his back, Dean hadn’t really felt like this ever. Sam’s hand on one hip, the other moving to tangle with Dean’s hand, their fingers twinning together as Sam took his first shallow thrust, pushing all the way into Dean’s body, steadily pulling out, and then slowly pushing back in.

“God, Dean.” Sam’s breath was hot against Dean’s ear, their bodies practically joined everywhere. Sam’s grip on Dean got tighter with every thrust, and Dean couldn’t wait to see the bruise that would be left behind.

Dean managed to spread his legs just that little bit more, arching his back in just the right manner, at just the right time, and Sam’s thrust caught that spot dead on. Dean’s entire body shuddered around Sam, the moan vibrating through his chest while Sam angled to catch there again and again with his every move. Sam’s thrusts grew in both speed and power, Dean having to hold to the headboard to avoid hitting the wall.

“Sam,” Dean needed to get some kind of friction, his neglected cock almost painful with the need to cum. “Fuck, Sammy, please.” Dean didn’t know if it was the pleading or just the sheer need in his voice, but Sam’s large hand moved, spreading down from his hip to take his erection in hand, the strokes being sure and fast and out of sync with the hard thrusts. It was when Sam’s teeth pressed into Dean’s shoulder blades that Dean came, his body feeling like it was electically charged as he shouted his release.

Sam tumbled over the edge soon after, groaning against Dean’s skin and nearly collapsing against his older brother. It took more than a few minutes for Dean to get his breathing back in order, and longer still before he trusted his own voice enough to speak.

“The bed’s sticky.” And even then, it wasn’t what he wanted to say. Sam mumbled something about ‘prima donna’s’ before staggering to the other bed, pulling Dean with him. If Dean had the energy he knew he would’ve protested. If he’d had the strength he knew he wouldn’t have let Sam pull him under the covers. He knew if he’d been of sound mind and not post coital drowsiness, he’d have resisted leaning into Sam’s warm chest and ending up asleep no less than five minutes later.


Waking up the second time that day was slightly better than the first time. For one thing he was completely comfortable, lying with Dean beside him instead of waking in a panic about where his brother was. Dean actually looked peaceful, and Sam couldn’t stop the smile on his face when he noticed the bite on Dean’s shoulder, his bite. They were even, and maybe things wouldn’t be so tense between them.

Four hours later and one ‘not talking about it, Sammy’ growl Dean and Sam were leaning against the Impala outside Asheville College. From the looks of things, Catt had taken Sam’s advice and called Animal Control. There were three cars and a van, uniformed officers patrolling the campus grounds.

“Hey, boys.” Dean and Sam turned sharply, noticing the uniformed woman walking over towards them. “You two students?”

“No, ma’am. Just passing through. What’s going on?” Dean had to smile at Sam’s ‘polite young man’ act, hands in his pockets and watching the young woman approach the car.

“Loose animal. Might be a wolf.” The woman, who’s name tag read ‘Madison D.’ remarked. “Although God knows what a wolf is doing this far into town. How long are you boys in town?”

“We’re actually just leaving. Road trip.” Dean smirked, “Just stretching our legs.” Madison glanced down at Sam’s legs, a smirk on her face. “Any road blocks we should know about?”

“No, just don’t take any short cuts through the woods.” She was about to leave when something must’ve caught her eye, “Honey, did something attack you?” Dean felt a coil in his stomach, he didn’t like the wording of her question. Sam’s hand going to his throat automatically.

“He has a biting fetish.” The delivery was deadpanned and Dean wasn’t sure if he should laugh or choke. It was the first all out admission that Sam had ever given any of the side glances or assumptions that they were travelling as anything less than brothers.

Madison just smirked, a side glance at Dean, “I’ll bet he does. Hell, I wanna eat you right up.” Dean chuckled a little, noticing the blush spread across Sam’s cheeks as he looked anywhere but at the woman in front of him. “You boys have a safe trip.” Dean continued to laugh, opening the driver side door and getting in the car just as Sam joined him.

“Did she have to take me seriously?” Sam still had the blush on his cheeks, and Dean couldn’t resister leaning over and placing a kiss on them. Sam smiled slightly, moving just that little bit closer to Dean and placing a hand on his thigh.

“Where to now?” Dean asked, firing up the Impala and letting the sound of Foreigner fill the car.

“Why don’t we just drive?” Dean could handle that for the moment, leaving Asheville, North Carolina in the rear view mirror.



Much thanks to all who comment.
constructive criticism is always welcome.

genre: slash, character: sam winchester, series: strange affliction, rating: nc-17, pairing: sam/dean, fandom: supernatural, warning: incest, author: torncorpse, character: dean winchester

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