Shower [Ville/Linde]

Feb 11, 2006 23:31

Disclaimer: I do not own them…I would like to though.

AN: I think this series is running away with itself.

Summary: Another dreamland encounter.

This one is for my Sunny. Because I love him and he’s perfect.

Once more, continuation of Touch , this one follows Need .


The warm steam filtered out of the bathroom, leaving a mist on the wall and streaks of condensation on the mirror. The hot water streamed out of the shower, dark tangles of raven hair plastered to a white face. They’d all been working most of the day, and all Ville wanted to do then was stay in the warm shower all night, letting the hot water pelt off his tense muscles, easing the tension out slowly.

There was a creak outside the bathroom, alerting the Finnish singer to the presence in his room. They were in New York, staying for another two more days before flying to LA. Turning off the shower and grudgingly stepping out, wrapping a towel around his waist as he went, Ville made his way out to meet his guest.

Entering the bedroom Ville couldn’t see anything, no one was there apparently. Frowning and sighing Ville decided he’d been imagining it and turned back into the bathroom. He was standing in front of the sink, half way through brushing his teeth when he felt the tingle at his back. When fingers started to trail up to his neck, he gasped and moved to turn. The person behind him stopped him though, those hands quickly gripping his hips and holding him where he was as a soft, loving kiss was placed on the heartagram at the back of his neck. Ville spat the paste in his mouth to the sink, the kisses moving down his back and he struggled to try and see who it was in the mirror, the steamed mist on the mirror distorting the image.

When two firm hands clasped his butt, Ville jerked forward a little, pressing himself against the bathroom counter a little harder and earning a slight chuckle from the person behind him. Cool air ghosted across his back, a warm tongue trailing a line up his spine and Ville had to grip onto the counter as he arched into the touch, a quiet moan escaping his throat. Kisses were placed across his shoulder blades, rising up until a bite made him gasp, sharp teeth biting into this neck before that warm tongue soothed the hurt, licking gently over it. He couldn’t stop himself from moving his head, leaning it to the side and giving the lips at his neck better access. Moaning softly, eyes closed as he held on to the counter, leaning back slightly against the warm body behind him.

When hands ran up his chest, fingers ghosting over his skin, running quickly over his nipples, Ville couldn’t hold back the groan of pleasure and the shudder that ran through his body. He wasn’t used to this, usually he was the one who played the seducer, he wasn’t seduced in this manner. He felt the hardness of a cock rubbed against his ass and he pushed back against it, enjoying the groan it got from the person behind him. The hands gripped his hips again, pulling his body to turn. Before Ville could do anything, soft but firm lips attached to his, instantly pressing for entrance to his mouth and quickly familiarising itself with his mouth.

Ville moaned into the kiss and gripped onto strong shoulders to keep himself upright. Hands held to his hips, a bare chest pressing against his own and Ville was trying so hard to just melt into the body against him. The feeling of hands moving around his waist, pulling the towel - that was now clinging to his hips by no more than good luck - away. Their mouths broke apart and lips attacked his throat, Ville letting his head fall back as a three course meal was made out of his neck. He tangled his hands into the hair he could grip, noticing that it was long, and dread-locked. Linde.

The moan escaped his throat before he knew what he was thinking and Ville pressed his erection against Linde’s clothe covered thigh, trying to get a little bit of friction. Ville gasped in surprise when a warm hand wrapped around his erection, then moaned softly as Linde gently stroked his erection in a steady pace. Ville let his hands wander, roaming down Linde’s strong arms, feeling the muscles in his shoulders and trailing his fingers down over the smooth skin. The feeling of two fingers pressing against his butt made Ville groan, his blunt fingers digging into Linde’s shoulders as he tried to relax around the digits. They were wet, and a little warm, and only when Ville arched back, his hand pushing down on the sink, did he feel the warm water trickle over his hand. As Linde’s fingers pushed further up into Ville, the singer bit down on his lip, pushing his hips forward as he brought his legs up around Linde’s hips, hooking his ankles around Linde and pulling him closer, bringing their groins together as Ville pushed himself onto the counter.

“God, please, just do me.” He sighed as Linde removed his fingers, Ville’s hands bracing himself on the marble counter. Linde carefully spread Ville’s legs, pushing them open at the knees and moving to position himself between the singer. As Linde started to push into Ville, holding at Ville’s thighs for leverage, Ville moaned loudly, his head thrown back, hair sticking to the mirror as the noise from his throat echoed around the bathroom. When Linde suddenly pushed all the way into Ville, the singer almost screamed, arching his back and his hands flailing up to grab Linde’s shoulders.

The guitarist easily picked Ville off the bathroom counter, turning them and pushing Ville against the wall, quickly increasing his pace, thrusting in and out of Ville with passion and enjoying the moans and whimpers coming from Ville’s throat. When Linde’s lips attached to Ville’s throat, suckling and biting on the white flesh there, Ville’s hands tangled in the blond hair, clutching to it like a life line while he was fucked against the wall.

Whimpering and moaning, Ville tried to cling to the last shred of reality that he could, wanting to last a bit longer, to wait just that little bit more. But when Linde thrust up hard - almost violently - hitting Ville’s prostate, the singer couldn’t hold back the burst of pleasure that erupted in his stomach, spreading throughout his body as his seed spilled between their bodies.

Linde muttered against Ville’s shoulder, shouting his name as he came in Ville’s tight body, Ville’s muscles clenching around his cock and milking everything from him. Linde’s head rested against Ville’s neck, his body pressing Ville’s slim frame and holding him against the wall. They both struggled to catch their breath, light kisses being littered across Ville’s neck and collarbone, hands trailing up and down Linde’s back.


Eye fluttered open, expecting to find the inside of a bathroom, the room misty with condensation. Instead, eyes scanned the room to find the comfortable furnishing of a hotel bedroom.

Looking to find a bed partner, he sat up; searching for anything to indicate that someone else was there. Finding nothing he allowed himself to fall back into the warm, soft pillows, pondering what all this meant.

Linde sighed, realising that he had indeed had yet another sexual fantasy about Ville.

Feedback would be lovely.

The next installment will be the last. ^_^

series: rule of four, genre: slash, rating: nc-17, warning: rps, pairing: ville/linde, character: ville valo, character: linde lindestrom, fandom: him, author: torncorpse

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