I've never done this; Procrastination at its finest!

Dec 04, 2005 01:54

You Should Get a MD (Doctor of Medicine)

You're both compassionate and brilliant - a rare combination.
You were born to be a doctor.
What Advanced Degree Should You Get?
So WTF am I doing in Law School?!? do you think that this test will encourage someone to let me into Med School?

Your Eyes Should Be Brown

Your eyes reflect: Depth and wisdom

What's hidden behind your eyes: A tender heart
What Color Should Your Eyes Be?

Your Fortune Is

Underwear is not the best thing on earth - but next to it.
The Wacky Fortune Cookie Generator

You Passed 8th Grade Science

Congratulations, you got 8/8 correct!
Could You Pass 8th Grade Science?

And finally:
What Your Underwear Says About You

You like your underwear to make you feel girlish and pretty. Let's hope you're a chick.

You're comfortable in your own skin - and don't care to impress anyone.
The Underwear Oracle

Whew, what a waste of time. I deleted about 4 tests, because I didn't feel that I should make my friends read them. (See I do love you guys) Now, time for bed... Exam in 35 hours... ugh. I wish I knew something about Contract law, unfortunately 8am is not a time when my brain is very receptive to information. I'm screwed. Live & Learn, just hope that you're not the client I'm learning on!

Oh yeah, I just remembered... If anyone wants to say something to one of our '02 class reps, I'm apparently not on the ASMS alumni list (not that I graduated, or anything like that) and wouldn't mind being invited to things that the alumni are invited to (since I almost graduated) So if you know how to get on the elusive list, let me know, or get me on there, please.
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