No. This is NOT cool. Seriously.

Feb 23, 2010 01:22

So. I got called by that university I applied to. There's an entrance exam on the 20th of March and an interview that very evening. That sucks. I was hoping they wouldn't call me, y'know, maybe send me a letter and say I wasn't qualified or something like that... But nope. Much to my chagrin, I have to pretend to squee alongside my mom at the news and study my ass off now that the impending exam is confirmed. Damn.

Dharshi isn't too excited about it either. She's already in Sri Lanka and I have no idea how she's managing to get any study done there. She hasn't been there in six years, which is a long time believe me, and she's with all her relatives who are probably hugging her and kissing her and telling her how much she's grown right now... Thank goodness I'm only going there for four days, although mom keeps telling me to pack as many clothes as possible, 'just in case'. Y'know, I don't want to accept any just in cases, really. >,<

I'm still applying to a few other places. Hope I get those, instead of having to stick with this one D:

Haaaah. Okayyy, so I've managed to finish up two chapters of Medical Microbiology and DNA replication and enzymes in prokaryotes of Biochemistry, which is good. And I still seem to remember most of the stuff so my memory's been a bit of help [the perks of being a Biology/Chemistry teacher ;) ]. I should be done with three more chapters of Medical Microbio and one chapter of Mammalian Physiology by the end of this week, which would give me the whole of next week to get into the host-pathogen relationships. Hopefully I could start on the histopathology section somewhere around the end of next week as well.

Phew. Wish I could count how many gyri and sulci I've added to my brain already :D ...btw, gryri and sulci mean 'the folds in the brain'. Yanno.. the fancy curvy stuff? Yeah those ^^

uni, studying

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