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Sep 09, 2010 20:52

Hope mom doesn't call today because I don't intend on picking up the phone. I didn't really hand in the phone or the 4000 bucks soooo I'm not sure I want her to spend a lot of money on international calls just to yell at me again >.>

I'm supposed to get my blood tested tomorrow. For some stupid TSH, T3 and T4, the thyroxine-related tests. This is all mom's fault, calling aunty all the way from Oman just to tell her to take me to the hospital to get tested because she's afraid I might also be having thyroid problems because I sleep in the afternoon. Honestly, mommy dearest, did you not stop to think how I'd be able to cope as a Master's student with the job of a high school teacher otherwise? Not to mention that I wake up before sunrise every morning, travel back and forth every weekend, walk for miles every day just because I don't own a car, go without breakfast or lunch because I have motion sickness problems and also no time to eat in general, and keep standing for 6 hours straight while I'm teaching because teachers aren't allowed to sit in class where I work. Don't you think an afternoon nap is normal in this case? :|

I still have to do that paper on anaerobic bacteria that are difficult to culture. I keep finding ancient journals, like stuff from the 60's, and I'm not sure I'm going to be able to find more than ten sources. He also wants a minimum of 2000 words. Stupid Dr. Paraya. :(

That and I need to finish up the CSI packets by next week, plan for the class experiments, and then prepare for the afterschool classes. Our HOD wanted us to finish with our analyses of examination results by Thursday and get ready for questions during the meeting. *sigh* It also doesn't help that the teacher who's supposed to be helping me keeps disappearing during our work periods and I'm left to do everything on my own. When I ask for feedback or help she just tells me to do what I think is best and leaves it at that 8| And she still gets paid D: wtf.

Ughhhh why is my to-do list growing and I just can't seem to ever get the chance to cross off any of the things on that huge ass list?! FFFF stressful!!

ughhhhhhhh, work, i hate homework srsly, ugh parents, fml, why me?!, stressed out, uni

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