It's the boring moments that are the most important.

Jul 25, 2009 00:56

 First of all, I'm going to say: I AM SO PROUD OF MYSELF TONIGHT. I never felt this way toward myself. Just had to get that out of the way.

If you've seen Up, then the subject will mean something. If not, skip the next paragraph. It's somewhat relevant to the story, but you can understand the story without knowing this part.


So there's a scene where Russell and Carl are walking through the jungle. Russell is describing how he and his father used to sit on the curb and eat ice cream together. And he goes into this talk about how those moments, the ones that seem unimportant or boring to others, can be the most important and interesting in a person's life.


I don't know why, but that scene hit a cord with me. Because it's such a REAL thought.

So, fast forward to today/tonight.

Work today was awful. Seriously, I've never had this many bitchy people in a day. Who would have thought? I mean, it's Friday! Be happy! You have the weekend ahead of you! No need to tell me to go fuck myself because we ran out of your favourite cigarettes. :(

This definitely affected my mood. Not only did I lack sleep, but today was awful. So that + that = GRUMPY KATE.

So Ryan and I head out to Borders. Mostly to calm me down and so I can buy myself some pretty books instead of saving my money for food for the week. *flail*

I get really excited, and grab five books since they're having a 'buy four, get one free' sale. Yay!

So, Ryan and I head towards the cashiers. And as we're waiting in line, a guy tries to butt ahead of Ryan. Mind you, the line is: This jerk > Ryan > Me.

The cashier, however, sees this, and tells him that Ryan was next. So, instead, he moves behind Ryan and in front of me.

Like, what the hell? Now, at first I thought maybe his brain just farted and he didn't see me. However, he then looks around, SEES ME, and stays there.

What. The. Hell. This is a guy that's clearly just being a dick. The cashier looks at me with that concerned face. If you've worked in retail, you know that look. Ryan's oblivious and doesn't see any of this happen, however.

So as Ryan's finishing, the cashier looks in my direction and says next.

At this point, I've broken out in a cold sweat. While Ryan was being taken care of, my brain was running wildly.

'I have to do something.'

'I'm not taking this.'

'I have to do something.'

'What should I say?'

'What do I do?'

'This guy is huge.... Will he step on me?'

I'm terrified.

I walked right past this guy and gave the cashier my books. I wasn't about to let him butt ahead of me.

I stood up for myself.

I couldn't believe it. I did it! I did something! I was inwardly cheering and the cashier just gave me a wonderful look and rang up my stuff. She and I smiled and talked and it was absolutely one of the greatest moments of my life. As she's finishing, another cashier appears and takes the jerk. And as I'm signing my card slip, the cashier looks at me and says, "That's a great thing you. Good job." The jerk looks at her for a moment, and I smiled. My reply? "I work in retail, and I understand stuff like this. There's no excuse to treat people like that." The jerk looks at me, I smile and thank the cashier, and leave.

I got outside, told Ryan about this, and basically started crying. I was so proud of myself for not sitting back and taking this like I normally would have. I smiled and cried. I was so proud of myself. As silly as it may sound to some, I've never been more proud of myself.

He took me to Wegman's afterward and got me some of those peanut butter cups from Tastykake. OM NOM NOM. And chocolate milk. Even though he couldn't really relate to this, he was still very proud of me for standing up for myself and not being an asshole. He was proud of the fact that I defended myself in a classy manner instead of going "FUCK YOU" (although I said it later in the car in a state of pure happiness and freedom). My mom felt the same way when I told her.

It doesn't seem like a big moment, but boy these feelings are big. And they'll stay there forever.

I finally stood up for myself. I have to put up with so much crap I work, and, well, I really don't deserve this crap! I'm not the best person in the world, but oh goodness.

The best part?

If he had been behind me and/or polite, I probably would have let him go ahead of me. See what happens when you're not an asshole? :)

life, books, ryan

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