Dec 28, 2003 04:50
Arial CYR;Arial;Woooooooo
That was fun stuff. I heard one of my old favorite songs on the radio today after heading down Louisana Lake rd over off of US-22. It's the song I am listening to right now...Look down*Points*....I had a fun night. It's what I really needed after a week with my father...Of course spending time with Heather would have been tons better, I enjoyed seein the ol' gang again. Now those are some goofy mugs right there. One of the people I talk to in Computing Chat on AIM is talking to me about how he likes "Hentai(c)"...if you don't know what it's "cartoon porn". But don't ever say that to one of these few 'Hentai adicts" out there...they will fuckin go off on you. "It's not cartoons, it's Hentai!!!!"....anyways - - Bye.
*a*it**u*e*t** (4:47:10 AM): i have one where that kid grows a second dick.