Dec 01, 2006 19:39
oh man today i had mny interveiw and medical for my effing military coop and hoooo whatta day.
so it starts out with my interveiw and she askes me a bunch of random questions about if i'm racist, homophobe if i don't like boys and stuff, it was really weird. then she asked me about my alchohol use and i was like 'yeah my mom got me in trouble and she made me see that drinking was bad for and i realised that it wasn't acomplishing anything and that it was helping me be a good athlete and pulled all this bullshit outta my ass about it, and she was like "okay, sounds good" and all this stuff, it was sooo weird. and then at the end she's like "and i've deemed you suitable to be here" and i wasl ike.. wtf? but anyway. so then i had to pee in a cup, wasn't that just the highlight of my day. *rolls eyes* and there is traceamounts of protein in my system which either a) means that there's something wrong with my kidneys or b) i excercised recently so i now have to go a see my doctor about it. THEN i had to do an eye test and i walk into this room and the guys like "cover your left eye" so what do i do? cover my right eye. yep thats right. anyway, so he starts to chuckle and i realize that it was the wrong eye and switched eyes and did my eye test, which i passed, woot. and then came the dreaded hearing test oh man, it was hard. but, Lindsey, tell your mother my hearing is just dandy thank you very much. :D then after that i had to sit in a room for three hours and fill out a paper on my medical. they asked me if i still wet the bed? wtf. they kept asking me if i had skin problems. i was like "FOR THE UMPTEENTH TIME, NO!" it made everyone giggle. then i had to go and see the fat man. he's like "did you bring shorts and a tshirt?" "no.. cpl ferguson told me not to" "oh.. well you had better hope that your pants go over your knees" i was like "ugh.. " an so he touched me from head to toe at every joint he could find and did all these weird tests and then he started touching my fingers. and he garbbed my pinky finger and i winced and he's like "whats wrong with that pinky, it's purple" and i was like "uh.. slammed it in a door last week" and he's like.. og okay then. then he asked me ten thousand questions about me and my family and my brothers and sisters and if they were healthy and how old they were and all this really weird stuff, and THEN he asked me about my cycle. i was like.. what? asking about someones cycle is like going through her purse. it was really awkward. THEN he asked me if i had any gyno problems. it was seriously really sketchy. but anyway, thats all i have the patience for right now. maybe if you ask nice i'll tell you more later later.