(no subject)

Feb 23, 2005 10:48

Ok, I am majorly confused about something, adn any of oyu that can help explain it to me, I would much appreciate it. A lot of people wont talk ot me anymore. I mean people that I used to be able to have nice conversations with. Only problem is I have no idea why they hate me now. I mean, I sort of have a bit of an idea, but I dont think thats a good enough reason for someone to ignore you that used to be one of your best friends. Any of you that know me well enough to say so, please tell me what the hell I'm doing wrong, because it really hurts to be ignored for reasons I dont understand. ANd the one reason I can think of for them to be mad at me in even the slightest way is not something I have any control over, and its a stupid reason to be mad at me. And Dusti, I want you to tell Chris that all teh faith I had in a God that understood is gone because of his hypocritical attitude adn the way he's been treating me. I was thinking about getting back involved in the Christian religion, but they are all fucking hypocrits like Chris. Well, I guess I'm done ranting, so any of you who have the courage to be truthful and honest with me, tell me what is so horrible about me. PLEASE!
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