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Oct 25, 2004 09:11

The Ultimate 241 question survey!!!!

Created by xxabbyrocksxx and taken 253 times on bzoink!
Physical Features and other stuffWhat is your full name?Crystina Florence Van SantHow tall are you?too short... ^-^Boy or girl?Girl... *raised eyebrow*How much do you weigh?how dare you ask such a ...! j/k 135ishWhat is your pant size?uh.... *checks* 10!What color is your hair?naturally? reddish blonde... right now? blondeHow long is it?uh.... not quite to my shoulders...Is it straight or curly?straighter than all get out...*envies lizzie's hair*What color are your eyes?blue! *bats her eyelashes*Do you wear glasses?i used to..... *shrug*What color is your skin?pale... very paleDo you have freckles?i think so... *runs and looks in a mirror* yep! on my nose... ^-^How long are your nails?nice and shortDo you bite them?sometimes... only if they need it!Do you wear makeup?only recentlyHave you ever dyed your hair?yes... *nods*What color(s)?burgundy, blonde, red, and almost black...Do you find yourself attractive?not really, noDo other people find you attractive?i dont see why, but yes...What is the best thing about your body?uh... i have no idea.... *looks down*The worst?all of it! mostly my hips... and i'm freakishly flat chested...Your Home LifeWhat City do you live in?Forest GroveDo you live in a subdivision?uh, what?What color is your house?*runs outside* Brown!How many people live in your house?*counts* 4!Do you live with both parents?yeppersWhat does your mom do?dry cleanersWhat does your dad do?lays around the house and spends our money?Have any siblings?yepIf so, how old are they and what are their names?22-Crystal.... 7-ShandraDo they work?crystal doesHow many bedrooms does your house have?3Bathrooms?2How many T.V.s are in your house?*counts* 4Do you have any game consoles?yep, 2What color is your room?white... *grimace* i want a black or red room!Do you like it?not really, noWhy or why not?its not balck or red, and its smallDo you have a T.V. or computer in your room?both, but the tv doesnt work for anything but video gamesWhat color is your floor?grey carpetDo you have a big backyard?yeah, kinda... its all decks thoughHow old is your house?i have no idea... *blink, blink*Do you like being in your house?yes...Do you like your family?YES! *hugs*Are you close to your family?not so muchWho do you look up to the most?uh... *throws a glance at dusti* i dont know...Does anybody in your house suffer from an illness?*raises her hand, and then points at dad*Have any pets?not anymore! *cries*What are their names and what are they?he was a dog, and his name was max... but we had to give him awayDo they crap on the rug?he never did, actuallySchool lifeWhat is your favorite class?choirLeast favorite?uh, the rest of themWho is your favorite teacher?Berdahl!Least favorite?the rest of themWhat time is your lunch?1:05Where do you eat lunch?in the room with the fridgeWhat kind of grades do you get?NAAre you on the National Honors Committee?no way in hell!What time does school start?on b-days, 9:30, on A-days, 7:50How do you get to school?getting a rideWhat time does it end?1:30 ishHow do you get home?getting a ride, or walkingWhat grade are you in?10Are you in any sports or clubs?uh, noDo you have a locker?uh, noDoes shit fall on you when you open your locker?uh, noHow many periods do you have?um... A-days, 6.. B-days, 5Do you like school?not really... my classmates scare meDo you attend sporting events?as often as i canDo you have school spirit?what is that?Random QuestionsDo what is your favorite computer game?Battlefield VietnamConsole game?um... hm... *hasnt played many that were any good*Do you drink pop?sometimesDo you have white teeth?uh... *closes her mouth* not so muchDo you shave? *raised eyebrow* what?What shampoo do you use?head and shoulders, and loreal kids cherry stuffDo you eat alot of food?*looks at the floor* kinda...What was the longest you went without food?a weekDo you play sports?i wish i did.. i wanna play football!!!!If so, what are they?n/aAny other activities?youth group and theatre stuffDo you like anybody at the moment?yes... ^-^Does anybody like you?i think so... *shrug*Do you have a girlfriend or boyfriend?nope, not at the momentWould you go out with an unattractive person?if they made up for it with personalityFavorite...foodegg rolls!bandRelient Ksingerum, Avril Lavigneactori dont know! Ben Afflec, cuz he was daredevilactressum.... *shrug*storeI want to go to hot topic!car modelAnything that i can work on... I like Judges, though... ^-^cityPortlandstateOregoncountryUSAwebsitewww.livejournal.com..... or gaia...disney movieMULAN!movieum, something with vampiressports teamDUCKS!animalbats, or snakesclothing brandum... meow meow!drinkdr. pepper, or coffeepopdr.pepper!soapwhat? is there more than one kind? when did that memo come out!?colorcrimsoney... blood red, basically... and black!number69... *giggle*quotesomething about a rubber innertube and a steal petaled guitar makes me yurn for adventure...songRiot GearHave you ever...Climbed a mountain?kindaSang on stage?yesBeen on stage?yesBeen in a play?kindaIf so, who were you?i was a coffee girl!Been to New York?nopeBeen to Hawaii?nopeBeen to Washington D.C.nopeBeen to Kentucky?nopeKilled someone?nopeBeen in love?yesBeen heartbroken?yesBroken a promise?uh, yeahTold a secret?yesSpread gossip?i try not to, but i think i have a few times... *frown*Dressed in front of the opposite sex?um, yesGone scuba diving?nopeGot really drunk?yesDone drugs?nopeHitchhiked?yesStole something?yesSkinny dipped?yesDone a polar bear swim?no!!!!Broken somebodies heart?i hope not... *pout*Broken a bone?actually, no... *confusion*Called 911?yesIf so, why?my friend was having a heat strokeSaved a life?yep... ^Almost died?yepBeen in the hospital?yepLost someone?yes... been really scared?of course!This or thatPepsi or cokeneither!Water or sports drinkwaterOrange or blackblackPC or macPCKerry or BushBushMeat or veggiesveggiesdog or catdogrun or walkwalkFootball or basketballfootballbystander or athletebystandersummer or winterwinterski or snow boardsnow boardNight or daynightlife or deathdeathAshton or Orlandouh, what? white or blackblackPoliceman or firefighterpolicemannintendo or play stationnintendoYour Opinion on...Bushi have no idea!Kerryum, bad man... i dont like him..Ralph Naderwho is that?Sexum, yay! lol... totally joking!Gay marriagesi have no problem with them at all... i think its okayracismbad! abortionBAD!pornREALLY BAD!!!religionyayreligion in schoolseven more yayPollutionum.. *cough, cough, lung falls out*warbang... ? what else do i say?economy*downward spiral*Hilary Duffshes turning into another britney spears!!!!Micheal Jackson*moon walk*Martha Stewartcrazy lady... 0_0Your ChildhoodFavorite childhood tv show?NINJA TURTLES!!favorite toyG.I.Joesdid you sleep with stuffed animals?uh, only one bearWere you a fat kid?nope, i was actually skinny when i was little....How much did you weigh at birth?um, like 8 and a half..Were you a brat?yes!Did you experiance second hand smoke?yesWhere did you live?hillsboro, and beacerton, and forest grove, and corneliusYour friends were...wierd people..... and bad influencespets you hadbunnies, a dog, and a few catsever set anything on fire when you were little?YES!Did you ever stick a knife in the electrical outlet?YES!What did you want to be when you grew up?alive...?Your favorite color was...blackThe futureDo you want kids?yes, but not too many.. maybe two or threeDo you want to get married?yes, before i have my two or three kidsDo you want to go to college?not reallyWhat do you want to be?a writerWhere would you like to live?ireland! or forest groveWhat do you plan to do in the next ten years?stay alive, and maybe get my head fixed...Own a house or an apartment?housewhen will you move out of the parental unit's house?as soon as possibleWill you/ do you already vote?i willgo in the military?um, if they need meRight nowHow do you feel?tired, and stupid.. hehwhat are you wearing?clothes, thank you very much!Are you on a messenger?yesEating/drinking anything?nopeWhat underwear are you wearing?white ones, with a picture on the front... *blush* why do you want to know!!!!What time is it?9:06 AmWhat room are you in?the living roomwho is home?dad, shandra and mewhat do you hear?the heater, and the tvare you iming anyone?nopeTalking to anyone on the phone?nopewhere will you be in 2 hours?schoolThe last...thing you drankmilkthing you atenachoesshowerthis morning at like 7...bathum... O_O i dont remember!book you readum... Daring the Devilmagazibe you readreaders digestperson you talked todaniel!!!!! *hug*person you IMedthe guy across teh front yard... lol... *waves to doug*person you made out withum, i've never made out with anyone.... I dont even know how!thing you boughtmigraine pillsplace you were other then herethe high school, giving daniel a hug and then dashing back homePerson you sawmy little sister! *points at the couch*word you wrotewithout the help of a computer? it was my name on the visitor's list at the high schoolname you calledDAD!!!!went to the bathroomum, yesterday morningFinal thoughtsDid this survey kick ass or what?sure, why not?Anything else we need to know?I am not crazy! And i swear i dont like daniel... *blush*How long did it take you to fill out?almost 20 minutes
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