wah! I'm so going to die if i cant still do choir!!!!!!!

Oct 18, 2004 13:12

So, if you guys dont see me at school, its because i am now officially no longer a student at fghs... They switched me into this thing called CREATE, so that i may actually pass high school. I'm going to try really hard to keep doing choir, so that i atleast get to see some of you sometimes, but choir is over at 9:24... CREATE starts at 9:30... 6 minutes to get across forest grove. I CAN DO IT! It just means dad has to be really willing to run around with me every other day. Any of you that feel crystina deprived can call me and email me how ever often you want. my computer seems to be hating AIM at the moment, so that wont work. I'll try to keep updated with this stuff, but i may get lost. Well, I guess i will talk to some of you tomorrow! *hugs everybody*

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