May 10, 2006 05:00
All right, so Im there in Dagobah, my troops dying all around me. We've lost two of our command posts already, and the droids are moving in. My rocket launcher needs ammo, and I have only two thermal detonators left.
Of course, I die.
After restarting the mission, I come back as an assault droid, kicking ass and having my ass kicked in return.
Then, I get the option to be Grievous.
Of course, I take it.
Im now a eight foot tall cyborg, running around the swamp with lightsabers, totally kicking ass. Im like a God out there, like whoa mah gawd! Upon becoming Grievous, I practically sealed our victory.
I was killing in one or two strikes, giggling like a school girl and totally kicking Republic ass.
We won.
End of story.
Contract terminated.
Then I went to Hoth, joined in the Rebellion.
I got shot off my tauntaun.
I am sad.
Me=Sad Shay