Really, how much can you squeeze into 64 days? As much work as possible so there'll be enough money for crazy Australian adventures? Or some last hurrahs before I leave the country till Christmas?
There are definitely some awesome things on the 'to do' list...
But having done one of them, and facing another is just making me feel old.
I saw Star Wars Episode III last night with Theresa and my cousin. It was a great way to 'finish it', since we'd seen the other prequels together at 12:01am on opening night together too. And I saw Jaime outside going to see it in another theater! And Donny Thompson was definitely in the row in front of me. He admitted being a closeted SW fan, and that it hurt his parents greatly. Hah.
I have to admit that I totally got teary eyed at the end... They show you Luke & Leia as babies - so it came really full circle to the original trilogy, and just having to face the fact that there wouldn't be any more Star Wars films, despite the fact that the others really didn't live up to my expectations.
The audience was filled with a completely different group compared to the last premieres we were at. It felt like a bunch of roaming teens crashed the nerd party. Theresa and I looked at each other when it was done.
Didn't really know what to say...
And now my birthday is tomorrow. I'm simply hoping for cash from my family to go towards the trip. Nothing planned familywise because we've been caught up planning for my brother's graduation...
A group of us are going to be kidnapping Allie since she's also flying home tomorrow - and then we're going out to celebrate. People here are apparently plotting some sort of kidnapping for the weekend as well.
I guess I just feel like there's not enough time to get in what I want to get done - and in the process of facing that fact -- I'm barely getting *anything* done. Although I can't really say that, since I've managed to pack in a ton of shit for the past week....
On Friday night I saw Ben Folds... the concert was amazing. Sarah was awesome and was willing to go all early and wait outside. We were right in front, 2 people away from the bar at the Electric Factory and they were short so I had nothing blocking my line of sight - directly in front of Ben's stool - and when Ben came out and waved at the audience, he sat down at his piano and looked at the kids down in front. I had this enthralled grin on my face - and he saw me and grinned right back.
And afterwards I met him. I have his autograph. I have a picture. I almost just pulled the simple, 'Hi' and take the autograph routine.... But I managed to get out that I'd been following him since I was in grade school - and that by saying that I wasn't trying to make him feel old since I was in college. And he was just like, "Hey, that's awesome. We're *all* growing up." He was so nice. I was so glad to find out that he wasn't an asshole like some celebs turn out to be...
A crazy weekend in Syracuse - I watched my brother graduate, reconnected with my cousin, and brought new meaning to "Come Sail Away" by Styx as our theme song. I hung out with my mom, started reconstructing my room, I went back to work at Target and was literally tackled by friends - it felt awesome. Hung out late with the cool locals of Bucks county at Johns after work. Worked more - and saw Star Wars.
So I've been busy. Not swamped, but busy, and I like it. I don't know what my short version of summer will be like... my theories for last summer turned out completely different, so I'm not even going to predict who I will or will not see from school. And I can't worry about who's going to bother trying to hang out. I'm not going to get paranoid about why or why not, or let it hurt, or let it slow me down. There's not enough time for that.
A belated thanks to the kids who made senior week great. Some of you sweated and worked way too hard, but our diner runs afterwards were somethin' else. :) Davey, Greg, John, Elisa, Courtney, Chris, Jaime, Nik, Sarah, Heather, Katie, Ang - anybody who stopped by to help. Or just to say 'hi' and take a break from drowning in the yearbook office - Gwen :) Or waved at us from at distance while we were covered in paint and yelling to say hi - Jo Anna :) And a belated congrats to the graduates, I'd have been there if my brother had failed his last bio class...
And finally - it's sad how good these things are sometimes...
Your Birthdate: May 20
Your birth on the 20th day of the month adds a degree of emotion, sensitivity, and intuition to your reading.
The 2 energy provided here is very social, allowing you to make friends easily and quickly.
Yet you are apt to have a rather nervous air in the company of a large group.
You have a warmhearted nature and emotional understanding that constantly seeks affection.
You are very prone to become depressed and moody, as emotions can turn inward and cause anxiety and mental turmoil.
It can be hard for you to bounce back to reality when depression sets in.
When things are going well, you can go just as far the other way and become extremely affectionate.
What Does Your Birth Date Mean?