Oct 11, 2005 01:20
arrrggh. i need to admit my weird addiction. every since i was small, the best part of shows for me were the opening credits. Cool montages with the theme song going on in the background. FANTASTIC. Maybe this explains why I love movie trailers so much. you get a whole lot of drama, tension, or comedy packed into a minute or so. anyway, the reason i bring this up is that my little walked into my room and found this season's Smallville trailer playing. she thought i was watching a whole episode but found out that all i really wanted to see were the credits....
and then she proceeded to look at me like i was a crazy person. hahahha. i guess i deserve that. i need help. but seriously, i've always loved those two things. Movie trailers, which usually have some better music than you'll find in the actual movie, and TV opening credits. Hmmmm... some favorites: Buffy The Vampire Slayer, this season's Smallville (because of Remy Zero), The Golden Girls, Thundercats and X-Men (i guess these don't really count though...), Fresh Prince of Bel Air (a sentimental favorite), Mission: Impossible... ahhh there's more but I'll think of 'em later.
maybe this contributes to my low attention span. aaaah well.
reason i'm up: my dad installed a safety light outside my window to illuminate the front yard. it's definitely safe but here's the bitch... it's so insanely bright that there is no darkness in my room or the living room because the LIGHT COMES THROUGH THE WINDOWS!!! It's almost like morning light coming through. see, if i was still 4 and afraid of the dark, then it wouldn't be so bad. but since i'm NOT, it's just ridiculous. all i could do was show my dad my room and laugh for about 5 minutes. hahahha. it's insane. anyway, i'll change it tomorrow...
nite nite all.