Birthday fun and job interview

Jul 30, 2014 19:55

In the time since I last posted, I've added a year to my age. My boyfriend surprised me with a trip to Victoria, BC to Butchart Gardens. It happened to be one of the hottest days of the year there the day we went, so we were sweltering, but still managed to enjoy the day. I was more tired than I ever remember being.

I'd asked on my FB page for people to send me lottery scratch-off tickets, but no one listened to that, so I got Amazon gift cards from 2 people and was taken to a lunch by a former coworker today.

I've also been trying not to panic over an upcoming job interview. Yes, I have an interview!! After 7 months of unemployment! It's one of those lovely structured interviews with the "tell me a story" responses.. I hate those. I'm nervous enough at interviews without having to rely on my oh-so-bad memory to come up with stories about what happened, who was involved, and how it improved the business. Whee! I just have to NOT pull my hair out or have a heart attack between now and Monday morning. :P
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