Mar 18, 2006 02:45
So yet again another St. Patrick's Day comes and goes. I, again, neglect my duty aa being part Irish to partake in the usual Irish festivities (namely drinking...which is pretty much it). Actually, I realized I have not been drunk for one St. Patrick's Day yet. I'm like, the anti-Irish. But finals and schoolwork currently own my soul. I love though how I barely accomplished anything after slaving for 4 hours so far. Guess that's just Drexel and its workload for you!!! (cut to cheesy sitcom scene where main character throws hands in air and shrugs after proclaiming former statement, and everyone laughs, then the episode ends)
SO other than beginning to hate Drexel with the fire of a thousand suns, at least I have my health! ...and spring break in the FL.
The closest thing I came to St. Patrick's Day today was seeing a guy dressed in a kilt and buckled shoes walk ot of Wawa, and hearing Conan O'Brien sing "Tora Lora Lora"(?) in a shrill, high-pitched voice...and in Hebrew no less.
(now to get off this thing before my drunken roommates bust into my room again)
oh and "shillelaghs" is too funny a word to ever be taken with a serious manner no matter what the context of any sentence it is ever used in. the end.