Jun 27, 2008 06:37
Three things I did wrong yesterday:
1.) Overdid morning workout at the gym, on both walking AND the weights
2.) Overdid it in the afternoon working out in the yard for Mom (digging holes/ lifting huge chunks of dirt)
3.) Fell asleep sitting with my neck in an odd position.
Neck is embroiled in pain now. The ONLY saving grace?
My neck isn't spasming like last time. Pain I can get through...having it come at me sharp @ random intervals....yeah that I don't do so well with.
Took a leftover muscle relaxant already, told gym partner/co-worker to bring some aspirin to work. Moving head around to loosen muscle more.
Apparently neck pain is made better by moving the muscle around.....yeah....movement = pain = good.....the human body is really trippy sometimes....or maybe it's just my body.