Title: Enemy Mine
Chapter: 2/?
Author: Insomnfreak
Rating: Teen
Disclaimer: My name is not Kathy or Hart so Bones is not mine.
Summary: Sometimes your past comes back to haunt you in ways you least expect it.
Shenandoah National Park, Virginia, Present Day
The early morning mist clung to the ground like a living web, obscuring their feet as they walked along uneven ground, swirling in their wake, only to coalesce again, as if they’d never passed by. The tree canopy above allowed dappled bits of hazy morning light to filter to the ground below. There was an ethereal quality to the landscape. It was beautiful, mysterious and ancient but all that was lost on the woman approaching the cordoned off area marked with yellow crime scene tape.
Dr. Temperance Brennan, Bones to her partner, was in a zone, her brilliant mind picking up the minutia of the scene, cataloging it even before she knelt next to hers and Booth’s latest victim.
“Male,” she began as she studied the body. “Decomposition suggests he’s been dead four to five days.” Bones looked over to Marcus Grier, an FBI Forensic Technician that often worked with Agent Booth and his well known partner from the Jeffersonian. “Can I move him?”
Grier nodded his dark head, kneeling down to assist her.
“Hodgins can be more precise about time of death but I’m positive that this is cause of death,” Bones said almost cheekily as she parted the frayed and blood stained remnants of their victims shirt. “Bullet went in through his back and exited here at the lower portion of the sternum. From the size of the exit wound…” Bones picked carefully through what remained of the man’s chest, causing Booth to pinch his face in disgust, “I’d say we’re looking for a large caliber, probably high velocity weapon.”
“Why high velocity?” Booth asked tapping his pen to the notepad he held in his hand.
Bones stood up. “I can detect the remains of a blood pool where the victim lay but I don’t see any cast off debris. The lower half of his sternum is missing and a sizeable portion of ribs five and seven.” Bones’ crystalline gaze searched the area where their victim lay, something tickling at the back of her mind. “I should know more once we get him back to the Jeffersonian,” she finally said, unable to determine what it was her subconscious was trying to tell her but certain the answers could be found in the lab.
“You heard her boys,” Booth piped up, twirling his pen in the air. “Wrap’em up and send him to the Jeffersonian.”
Bones eyed her partner as she removed her latex gloves, trying to hide the smile that Booth’s extroverted antics produced. At times their opposite natures seemed to clash. Booth was a gregarious man, well liked by… well, everyone. He was an expert in people, lived by his “gut”, as he liked to call it, and had a better understanding of his place in the world. In contrast Bones was a more introverted person. She was an expert in Forensic Anthropology, an adherent of the sciences, well, maybe not psychology, and was the first to admit that she was better with bones than people.
Still, with all their obvious difference, Temperance Brennan and Seeley Booth worked well together. Their contrasts complemented one another, and they weren’t without their similarities. Both came from troubled childhoods, both had an innate sense of integrity. Where Booth would say Bones sought the truth, Bones would reply that he fought for justice, either way, they both worked to find answers to difficult questions and call to account those that had the worst to pay for.
Booth cocked his head to one side, his dark brows riding high in curiosity as he noted that Bones was still looking at him. “Bones?”
At his nickname for her, Bones gave in and gave him a lopsided grin. “I should have a preliminary report for you by the end of the day,” she told him as she worked her way out of the trees and up the grassy bank to the road where Booth had parked his truck.
Booth eyed her as she headed the way, a mixture of amusement and curiosity gracing his features. They had worked for nearly six years together, faced danger and death side by side. Booth would readily admit he understood Temperance Brennan better than almost anyone but there were times, quite a few times, when she was a complete mystery to him. And what he wouldn’t confess, to anyone, was that he found the mystery almost as beguiling as the known.
“Did you want to hit the diner before I dropped you off?” Booth asked, hitting the button on his key ring that would along the doors to the truck.
Bones seemed to contemplate his offer for a moment, watching as Booth opened the passenger side door for her. “Yes. I probably won’t get out of the lab for lunch, so it would probably be best.”
“Very practical,” Booth teased, watching as she settled into her seat.
“Yes, yes I am,” Bones countered with a smug smile at the assumed compliment.
Booth smiled crookedly as he rounded the truck, fighting the urge to shake his head. The most brilliant woman he had ever known, the only smart person he ever admitted to liking and still, there were times when she was completely clueless. Sometimes it was maddening and sometimes it was amusing. At that moment Booth found it endearing as he tried to hide his smile before getting into the truck, let Bones think he had just paid her a compliment, it made her happy.