Wow, a new post--

Nov 10, 2007 03:56

Accompanied by a new resolution. I am an avid follower of legomyarrow's fiction. I read something at Mirromere (probably) and took note of the author and hunted her (?) down here on LJ. Recently, she posted about her concerns regarding her readership and reviews/comments. Well, I'm not an author, and I don't personally know any authors so I had no idea how worrisome no feedback could be (though, duh, of course one would want feedback). I thought--well, I'm not sure what I thought, or if I was thinking at all.

A lot of readers have busy lives or whatever, but that is not true of me. I have an excess of time on my hands.
legomyarrow's post coincided with a general dissatisfaction I've been feeling with my role as a consumer. Reviewing my habits, it seems that's all I do. If my personal consumerism could be visually represented I'd be Jabba the Hutt. Lounging around, having food brought to me, so bloated I can barely move, girls in chain mail bikinis. No, just kidding, I get my own food.

But I've been worried that I produce or create NOTHING. In the fanfiction community, I've decided to combat this with (no, not a fic of my own) feedback! So, actually I'm not creating or producing anything but I am giving back in a small way. I've decided that I won't read any fanfiction without giving feedback/commenting/reviewing. Even if it's just to say, "I liked this," or "thanks."

Already, this method has changed the way I've been reading. I read more carefully, I take the time to enjoy the author's technique and I'm getting more out of the whole experience.

Let's see if I can make this a way of life. I've heard that it takes 3 weeks for something to become a habit and usually when I try to make something a habit all I get are bleeding gums.

(talkin' bout flossing people--not scurvy like I know most of you thought)
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