Sep 15, 2011 20:27
Well there is always so much to catch up on. You guys write a lot sometimes. Its okay. It will give me something to do while I try and inevitably fail going to sleep.
I thought I might do a quick update.
Am trying to figure out how to wage legal war on various people to get some money that should have been given in severance via WEPP but is apparently not. If you see something about disgruntled ex Blockbuster employees in the news? That'll be me and my group trying to raise a stink. Soooo stupid. its long. Convoluted. And just annoying so I'm not going to get into it other than saying the government program that was supposed to sort of... help out when you lose severence pay due to receivership is leaving many in the lurch over an interpetation detail. Ugh do I need a lawyer.
Though. I'm happily on EI. Which is a good thing. I also got a part time job to supplement so I can build up a little savings and actually get out of this city for a little bit. Well. At least when I'm not doing my course. I have been megabussing and Amtraking it around the states, and plan to go back to the places where I have a spot to lay my head for free. Besides. I have people out there who are like family to me. I love them.
What else? I'm going to take a TESL course. Don't know yet what I'll do with it. I suddenly acquired reason not to leave the continent. And so my original plans for going overseas? I probably won't persue. But we'll take the course. See if I even like teaching. Hell. I might find out that I hate it and never want to consider it for a carreer again. Well. That would be okay too. Cause as much as I say I want to teach, I think it might be fun but I don't know what the hell I want to do. Or what I'd be good at. But lucky for me, I have a little time to contemplate. And may bus rides ahead of me for hours of thinking and daydreaming at the hilly countryside just south of us.
I miss a lot of people. I haven't been as social as I would like to have been. Since my income isn't what it was, i have been often staying home and opting to make popcorn and watch a movie or game rather than go out.
That being said. If I can get the dining room/workspace cleaned up to a decent point I may start hosting again. I have a killer quinoa chili recipe that I would love to make again and can only really be made when there's a lot of people there to eat it.
Well. That's it for me. I'm sure I can post more and more detailed notes about my life, but I doubt its really all that interesting to most of you.
I hope I'll see some of you soon. Maybe I'll get my act together in a few weeks and start being social outside the confines of my house and walking distance.