Angela's Ashes by Frank McCourt

Jul 26, 2005 23:00

Mmm I really don't think any of you will appreciate this, but hell, its my journal and I fucking loved this book; so here are the quotes I took:

*And I don't care if you don't like books or don't read books, you should read this book or atleast read this because they're the best fucking quotes ever from the best fucking book ever*

We grew up ignorant in Limerick, so we did, knowing feck about anything and signs on, we're mothers before we're women. -81

The boys in Leamy’s (the school) want to know why we talk like that. Are ye Yanks or what? And when we tell them we came from America they want to know, Are ye gangsters or cowboys? -95

Then it starts to rain and we can’t stand in a doorway till it passes because we have coal and it’s leaving a black trail along the pavement and Malachy is turning black from picking up the lumps, pushing them into the bag and wiping the rain from his face with his wet black hands. I tell him he’s black, he tells me I’m black, and a woman in a shop tells us get away from that door, ‘tis Christmas Day and she doesn’t want to be looking at Africa. -122

Affliction, but Dad says, Och, child, the world is an affliction and everything in it… -125

The master says it’s a glorious thing to die for the Faith and Dad says it’s a glorious thing to die for Ireland and I wonder if there’s anyone in the world who would like us to live. My brothers are dead and my sister is dead and I wonder if they died for Ireland or the Faith. Dad says they were too young to die for anything. -138

It’s well known that all the lunatics in the asylum have to be dragged in but she’s the only one that has to be dragged out, back to her five children and the champion of all pint drinkers. -140

She worries Mikey might have the fit and die and go to hell if he has any class of a sin on his soul though everyone know he’s an angel out of heaven. Mikey tells her God is not going to afflict you with the fit and then boot you into hell on top of it. What kind of a God would do a thing like that? -142

He’ll go to the cinema the rest of his life, sit next to girls from lanes and do dirty things like an expert. He loves his mother but he’ll never get married for fear he might have a wife in and out of the lunatic asylum. What’s the use of getting married when you can sit in cinemas and do dirty things with girls in lanes who don’t care what they do because they already did it with their brothers. -143

I do believe, induced by potent circumstances
That thou art mine enemy.
The history writer says this is what Catherine, who is a wife of Henry the English, says to Cardinal Wolsey, who is trying to have her head cut off. I don't know what it means and I don't care because its Shakespeare and its like having jewels in my mouth when I say the words. -243

He says, You have to study and learn so that you can make up your own mind about history and everything else but you can’t make up an empty mind… You might be poor, your shoes might be broken, but your mind is a palace. -259

I think my father is like the Holy Trinity with three people in him, the one in the morning with the paper, the one at night with the stories and the prayers, and then the one who does the bad thing and comes home with the smell of whiskey and wants us to die for Ireland. -262

I’m not stealing, I’m borrowing, and that’s not a mortal sin. Besides, I stood on top of a castle this morning and committed a sin far worse than stealing bread and milk (he jacked off which is a huge sin in Limerick) and if you commit one sin you might as well commit a few more because you get the same sentence in hell. One sin, eternity. A dozen sins, eternity. -376

You have to be careful if they ask you in for a cup of tea because one of the temporary boys, Scrawby Luby, said an old widow of thirty-five (that’s old?) had him in for tea and tried to take down his pants and he had to run out of the house though he was really tempted and had to go to confession the next Saturday. He said it was very awkward hopping up on the bike with his thing sticking out but if you cycle very fast and think of the sufferings of the Virgin Mary you’ll go soft in no time. -398

The priests can go to hell too and I won’t ask God to forgive me for saying the likes of that. There they are, the priests and the nuns telling us Jesus was poor and ‘tis no shame, lorries driving up to their houses with crates and barrels of whiskey and wine, eggs galore and legs of ham and they telling us what we should give up for Lent. Lent, my arse. What are we to give up when we have Lent all year long? -401

Look, why don’t you take off your pants and dry them on the screen of the fire?
Ah, no.
Ah, do.
I will.
I drape my pants over the screen. I sit there watching the steam rise and I watch myself rise and I worry she might come in and see me in my excitement. -408

Peter says if you find a man that won’t drink or smoke that’s a man that’s not even interested in girls and you’d want to keep your hand over the hole of your arse, that’s what you’d want to be doing. -436
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