I steal shit from Necco.

Jul 06, 2005 00:22

Step 1: Get your playlist together, put it on random, and play.
Step 2: Pick a few lines from the first 20 songs that play, no matter how embarassing.
Step 3: Post and let everyone guess what song the lines come from.

1. If love is a labor I'll slave till the end, I won't cross these streets until you hold my hand.
2. Honestly honest me, With a look that's so deceiving.
3. Maybe I was caught up in the dance or in the drink, but get this through your skull don't get caught up in me.
4. When I drive by your house, it makes me want to cry; each time I see your face, it makes me want to die; so why do I sit back and look at picture books of you? I guess I'm just messed up and that's all I can do.
5. If she was a good kisser, Then I know how much I miss her.
6. You wouldn't even smile if I were screaming as the water filled my lungs, oh my lungs.
7. Can't you see I am evil, double-edged razor child of eternal hate to torment you like a motherfuckin-whore, I'll make you cry forever more.
8. Synapse to synapse: possibilities will thin or fade. Your wedding figurines: I'd melt so I could drink them in.. and drink them in.. and drink them in...
9. And I've become content with this life that I lead, where I drink to much and don't believe in much of anything.
10. He won't justify the pity from them when he knows...fools in love are arrogant.
11. Must be your skin that I'm sinkin in.
12. I'm so glad that you're still the same, with the same name. I love the person you became; I wanna be just like you, just like you.
13. Well I can't sleep and I'm not in love. I can't speak without messing up; Eye's tell of what's behind and hers showed the way to a long and lonely climb.
14. The rain shall come and corpses become roses; There's a hidden beauty finding its way out of everything.
15. And I don't want to die tonight; Will you believe in me?
16. People always say it'll get better but it wont; stop telling me to forget her, just let me be alone.
17. He ain't got a girlfriend, no one to sing this song to. He's gotta settle down if he meets that special girl soon.
18. Yeah It's over. You can bet when mid-October end's I'll still be ranting 'bout most early May. Yeah, he's a winner. He's a goddamn sinner.
19. I hold my stick, like I hold my dick. Hustling beers from wetto, that's the trick.
20. Driving home to her apartment, for the moment we're alone. She's alone. I'm alone. Now I know it.

I don't want to talk about my trip. Um .. maybe later.
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