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Aug 13, 2004 04:23

this week has been hell

it was all good till yesterday.. or well 2 days ago cause its already tomorrow

fil came home and told me something that really upset me but i dont want to talk to anyone about it cause i already know what everyones reaction is gonna be and thats not what i need right now

then there was that storm last night.. holy shit im beyond terrified of thunderstorms and that was a really bad one.. and of course, what else should i expect, right when it started my dad left so i was home alone again.. god i love counting on family to be there for you when you need them...

today i went to the doctors and he said hes changing my diet to mushy foods now so im finally aloud to chew some food.. first thing i got.. fries lol so that was good

didnt go to the concert with maggie.. instead i stayed home watching tv

sunday im supposed to go to six flags for free with luke, hippie, and bel.. plans keep changing though so i still dont know exactly whats going on cause bel keeps calling me every hour telling me theres a change in plans..

..its supposed to rain all week.. including sunday.. so with my luck im not gonna be able to go

i havent slept for the past 2 nights.. well now its 3 i keep forgetting its tomorrow

i went on a walk around the block about an hour and a half ago.. im afraid of the dark and being alone outside at night but i convinced myself if anyone was out there they wouldnt go for me.. hell i wouldnt even go for me.. its not worth the effort...

ive been noticing since fil talked to me i've gotten more and more depressed again.. i want to get drunk so badly i dont care what anyone has to say about that but i really just need a night of drinking and having fun and maybe the depression thing'll pass again.. maybe the world will turn into a happier place then too.. *rolls eyes* yea..
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