(no subject)

Aug 10, 2004 17:30

so theres this concert that i really want to go to down at krome *sp?* this thursday of just a bunch of local bands.. id be going with steph and maggie (steph already bought the ticket and maggie and i are planning on getting the tickets at the doors) but the problem is that i have a doctors appointment down in the far end of statin island at 530 and the doors open to the concert at 6 or 630 *dont remember* and it takes an hour to get to the doctors office and an hour to get back so theres no way i'd make it in time.. my moms calling to see if they can move it to an earlier time so i can still see the show

then theres yet another problem.. i need money to buy the tickets lol.. i know my mom doesnt get her paycheck till this weekend and i dont know about my dad so im planning on, after finding out if the doctors appointment was moved, if my dad can give me $20 bucks just incase cause i dont know how much the tickets are gonna be but the early admission ticket that steph bought was only $10 so im figuring it wont be that much more.. right?

god i wanna go to this concert so badly.. cause im planning on inviting him to come *if i get the courage to* lol but its perfect cause he lives like right next door practically to this place.. *sigh* i hope i can go lol
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