Nov 21, 2011 11:44

people whose necks lust mouthbreathes on.
❨ meowminx ❩

▌ ☠
▌ Baby's first and only PC kill! Selina took an immediate interest in keeping her skeevy ass the fuck away from Ed and Al while they were in the City, earning her Lust's extreme ire and an eventual set of claws to the abdomen. The initial murderous fixation she had on her has long since cooled, and Lust tries to take a "been there, done that" stance on Selina, who unfortunately kind of ruins that by being alive again and still wanting her to go fuck herself. It's kind of spoiled the catharsis of the murder itself, too, which makes her wish death stuck even more than her presence being a thorn in her side. Also, she has way too many goddamn friends.
❨ enigmaestro ❩

▌ ☠
▌ Arriving in the City a month or so after Lust, the two initially made serious contact when he suspected Hush of framing her brother from another alchemother for murder. Their correspondence eventually led into the two living with each other, which super predictably led into Lust wanting to murder him in an almost sexual manner! Over two years later, her desire to kill him and close the circle their cohabitation started is still extant, but it's significantly lower now that she doesn't have to see him on the daily and he's not actively screwing her over. She thinks he's too smart for his own good, mostly because she knows he's smarter than her.
❨ unpinnochio ❩

▌ ★
❨ arachnopho8ia ❩

▌ ★
▌ For all the relative and almost maternal kindness she's shown Vriska--up to and including buying her a prom dress and forcing her to brush her hair and shit--Lust doesn't really think of her as anything more than a valuable asset to have and, once she's even more safely in her good graces, use. She's basically her starter in a murderous small children pokebattle against the Riddler.
❨ niceassassin ❩

▌ ☠
▌ SO OBNOXIOUS, BUT THEN ALSO COMPETENT?? She certainly never liked Zevran, but for a while there in the spring she could have developed the same kind of invested killing intent she had with Selina and Eddie! Unfortunately, he booty called her for a stabbing and all that shit went out the window. Ironically, now that he isn't Khisanth's protected elfcandy and is up for killing grabs, she's nowhere near as interested in actually doing the deed, though she'll kill him without hesitation if the situation calls for it. He's also friends with Selina and has a super magical bullshit soulknife, which is a nuisance!
❨ fantasycliche ❩

▌ ★
▌ Lust likes Khisanth, for a certain value of like that entails no emotional investment and more than a little suppressed annoyance! More accurately, she likes and would like to use Onyx the sexy lady who doesn't like Zevran anymore, and would also very much like to use that giant fucking dragon that eats people and she doesn't know as well sometime in the future! She'll be less put out than she was with Cavil if she finds out THE BIG REVEAL, especially if she's in on it with a select few, but let's be real, there's little Lust won't put up if it means she can get someone to helpfully dissolve her victims.
❨ pureblood ❩

▌ ★
▌ text
❨ nine_tries ❩

▌ uh
▌ UH
❨ fairyarcher ❩

▌ ♦
▌ text
❨ acrossyourpath ❩

▌ ☠
▌ text
❨ subconman ❩

▌ ♦
▌ She hasn't got any reason to superhate Eames yet, but she sure as hell doesn't trust him! Nor does she have any fondness for him. To her, he's just some anonymous troll who likes to cultivate an air of mystery and happened to be associates (and probably friends, god humans are so stupid) with Sark, a relatively non-useless man she was hoping to use! She decidedly does not know that he's friends with Selina, which would shift her ambivalent feelings decidedly into the red! Shocker. Still, he's been enough of a presence for her to take an interest in his doings on the Network, and she wouldn't object to learning more about him in person.
❨ iron_liver ❩

▌ ☠
▌ As one of a few people who still remembers when people thought Tony Stark was in charge of the Porter, Lust thinks of him with a certain intimacy despite them meeting in person all of once and having no real connections whatsoever. He's obviously eminently trollable, but also far more competent than he presents himself as being (LIKE SOME PEOPLE WHO BURNED HER TO DEATH HEH) and one of Selina's friends, and thus is someone she's wary of! She strongly suspects that if she gets too close, she's going to end up chock fulla nanites.
❨ osreborn ❩

▌ ♦
▌ Any kismesis of Eddie's is a not-complete-enemy of hers! She first encountered him in the ongoing drama that was the entirety of spring and summer 2009, when he offered her a place on his Thunderbolts and she turned him down because the City had yet to completely erode her pride as a homunculus and taking orders from a pathetidc human rassinfrassin etc etc. Nevertheless, she's followed his rises and falls with interest over the past several years, and more recently made an agreement with him in hopes of screwing Eddie over! EVEN THOUGH SHE DIDN'T... END UP HELPING HIM IN ANY MEANINGFUL WAY... LOOK THE POINT IS HE OWES HER A FAVOR OKAY.
❨ crucifriction ❩

▌ ☠
▌ HE CALLS HER A WHORE AND SHE THINKS IT'S HILARIOUS OKAY that is the end all and be all of her interest in him right now.
❨ caststwoshadows ❩

▌ ಠ_ಠ
▌ In what is probably an inverse to how much Desire gives a shit about Lust, Lust gives a lot of shits about Desire! Not only is it super fucking powerful and kept her from killing Eddie for a good half a year, but, well, it's one of her most fundamental attributes! And one which she tries to deny fairly often! And it has proven that her carefully-constructed control means fuck-all if it's so inclined! Exorcising some of that frustration on Knives made her a little less inclined to think of Desire as a coalescence of everything she finds weak about herself but HA HA THE SHOULDERPADS ARE GONE NOW, SON. As such, she is trying to never have to talk to it on its second stay in the City, ever. EVER.
❨ 123youreit ❩

▌ ☠
▌ HA HA HA OH BOY. Lust hasn't interacted with Tim in a while, but he's still a presence in her mind! She got to know him first and foremost as Knives' little human friend, which is generally how she still thinks of him, but he's dangerous and competent and blew the front of her face off. Not to mention using her being really nice for 24 hours to get information out of her!! Now that she doesn't have a genocidal fwb to worry about his saintly ideals being a bad influence on, he's less immediate as a subject of worry, but she hasn't forgotten about him entirely. She's too creepy for that.
❨ comesback ❩

▌ ☠
▌ She doesn't really think of Jack, on the occasions that she thinks of him as anything at all, as anything more than Zevran's property, which is why most conversations they have are going to inevitably circle back to her vaguely threatening him! On some level she's aware that he's probably competent in his own right, but eh whatever man. If only she knew he had a healing factor! Too bad it's not the sexy kind.
❨ formidophobia ❩

▌ ♦
▌ DAMN, BUT THIS GUY HAS BEEN IN THE CITY A LOT OF TIMES. Lust doesn't see why Lachesis digs him so hard, honestly, but after the multitudinous shenanigans of various Cranes she's learned that he can't be completely underestimated. He can totally be talked down to, though, because how else would she ever have a conversation? ALSO ONE OF HIS PAST VERSIONS TOTALLY STUCK HIS TONGUE IN ANGIE'S MOUTH, WHICH IS DISGUSTING, THERE'S PROBABLY FORMALDEHYDE IN THAT THING.
❨ soldarius ❩

▌ ♦
▌ Only knows her as Batwoman, from this one time in an alley!! She seems interesting, though, and determined, if (obvs) heroic and full of values and shit. She'd be interested in encountering her again.
❨ lazarisen ❩

▌ ★
▌ uh it's her fiance guys get with the memo
cr chart coding @ aphetaros.

she hasn't even talked to azrael twice, i hate myself and want to die, c&c, what the fuck, cr

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