Oct 08, 2007 14:24
okay so this is what I did over the weeknd.....
Saturday, sis and I went to Coats and helped my mom clear out a room or two! well a room and a hall way! I tellya she is her mothers daughter! A packrat!! Sooo much stuff!! I mean really when will she need two or three different feet massage thingys!! I have to admit thought some stuff was mine when I lived there all those many years ago! Its was neat thought cause I was reading my senior book and I was crazy! heheh well I wanted to be either a lawyer or biologist! hehehe ahh look how that turned out.. I'm a broadcast operator at a tv station. hehehe
anyway that went pretty well and then sunday, sis and I went to Applebees for lunch and hit some stores and browsed... We went downtown to historic oakwood cause that house we like is on the Parade of Homes and it was open for viewing! It was amazing!!! 3 floors and a basement and suprising it was new construction! I thought it was revamp but nope and a 5 star energy efft home. Finally caught up with some tv watching, still need to watch Torchwood from Saturday thought.
Ahh nothing much else going on!
live on peeps!!